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Lucy Turns Pages: TBR Challenge: All of the books on my TBR

TBR Challenge: All of the books on my TBR

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So my boyfriend has issued me a challenge: try to read the books on my shelves before buying any new ones. Ok, challenge accepted! 

I've created a list of all of my physical TBR books that I need to read on my Amazon affiliate page (UK-US). Once I've read a book I can move it from my TBR list (UK-US) to my books I've read this year list (UK-US). I'm quite excited for this challenge! I'm not going to put pressure on myself but just have an enjoyable reading time at my own pace. I have a mix of different genres to read and I will be showing some of these books in reading vlogs over on my YouTube channel.

Let me know if you've read any of the books on my TBR list and your thoughts on them or if you also would like to read any of the books on my TBR! 


  1. I've told myself to do this about a million times. I'm usually good for a little while and then if falls away. Good Luck!

    1. Thank you! Even if you read a couple of books from your TBR that's awesome!

  2. "The Art of Rest", I need to read this. Stephen Fry sounds familiar. I love reading, thanks for sharing!
    Happy Reading!


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