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Lucy Turns Pages: Think Big: How To Grow Your Small Business

Think Big: How To Grow Your Small Business

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As a small business owner, you’ll often have dreams of becoming the next big thing. But if you’re still new to the game, you might not know how to take your budding business to the next level.

Just because you’re a small business doesn’t mean you can’t think big. And thinking bigger will actually help your small business grow.

Image by Akil Mazumder via Pexels


If you’re a small business, your margins are likely small, and investing in something can feel like a distant dream. But investing doesn’t always have to represent monetary ventures. You can make investments in your business in other ways.

The best investments you can make are into your people. This can often mean you’ll need a decent cash flow to hire prospects or keep the ones you have. But you’ll be paid back in more than just money. Happy staff means they’ll work better, and your business will grow alongside. Make investments into your structure and staff support by making resources like a staff handbook accessible and understandable.

Investing in your systems will also change the gear of your small business. Particularly if you’re online, getting your business ready for future growth and running smoothly is paramount. Systems prepared to take on higher customer traffic are a must.


Once you’ve invested in the systems that uphold your online presence, it’s time to upgrade them. Your website should be reviewed and changed constantly. Not for the customer, but more for you and your staff. Having a transient attitude to your website means you’re always looking for ways to make it better. Constantly upgrading will translate to your customer, and you’ll see your online presence grow.

To be able to upgrade properly, you’ll need to be able to read your online presence. The most reliable way to do this is to upgrade the way you get and translate data. You can then utilise the analytics to ensure your website is working as hard for you as possible. This means getting more directed and specific SEO on the go.

Plan. And Plan Again

Even if your business growth feels far more in the future than the present, having a plan is a must. Have a plan to get the boost you want and what you’ll do once you make it there. This means you’ll have to get down and do some pretty intense business forecasting. Of course, you could try to do a plan without it, but forecasting gives you an idea of what to expect so you can plan better.

Don’t just stop at one plan. Have a backup. This is just good practice because how often do plans actually go as they’re meant to? Something will likely come up that you haven’t forecasted. Having a backup plan means you’ll be ready to take on the change headfirst.


Just like your online presence should be in a constant state of review and upgrade, so should your brand. This means making sure that your branding is showing off your business to its best. And gives customers the right idea about you before they decide to buy your goods or services.

To be able to streamline your branding, you need to know your niche in and out. If you don’t know it already, now is the time to understand it if you want to grow your small business. Sit down and ask yourself the right questions. Once you’ve clearly defined your niche, you can upgrade your branding to hit your audience with more purpose.

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