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Lucy Turns Pages: Doctor Who Books in Order! Doctor Who Book Guide- Original Novels & Reference Books

Doctor Who Books in Order! Doctor Who Book Guide- Original Novels & Reference Books

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Doctor Who is a worldwide science fiction tv show phenomenon. Many of us joined the fandom through the 'new who' in the 2000s whilst others started with the original series in the 1960s. During this time, a lot of books have been released that are set within the whoniverse. And when I say a lot, I mean a lot. In this post, I will try to create a doctor who book guide! This will go in order from books based in the era of the current doctor backwards. There are so many more Doctor Who books available, see this page for all of the books!

The Thirteenth Doctor

Doctor Who Vol. 1: Alternating Current

Doctor Who: A Tale of Two Time Lords

Doctor Who: Combat Magicks

Doctor Who: The Wonderful Doctor of Oz

Doctor Who: All Flesh is Grass : Time Lord Victorious

Classic who


Doctor Who Atlas

Watching Doctor Who: Fan Reception and Evaluation

There are way more Doctor Who books available! Let me know if you've read any or if you would like to.

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