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Lucy Turns Pages: Graphic Novels to Read!

Graphic Novels to Read!

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I love graphic novels. They are quick reads with generally witty dialogue and beautiful illustrations. I really want to pick more graphic novels up so here is a list of some I would like to read. Please let me know if you have any recommendations!

The Tea Dragon Society

This is a super cute graphic novel set in a world where there are dragons named after different teas I believe! I read the sequel as a review copy but I am yet to read the first book and I would really like to!

Lore Olympus

This was originally a webcomic but it has been picked up and published in these beautiful hardback copies. Lore Olympus follows characters from Greek mythology, I think in a modern day setting. I am so excited to pick it up!

The Umbrella Academy

This comic was made into a TV show on Netflix which I am yet to see because I wanted to read the graphic novels first. It follows children with superpowers and I love any story to do with superpowers.


Monstress follows a character who shares a psychic link with a monster in the middle of a war. It sounds very intriguing, especially with the psychic ability setup.


Heartstopper is an incredibly popular graphic novel series that follows two boys falling in love, as well as talking about real issues that affect gay teenagers. I have yet to read this series but I really want to pick it up.

Doctor Who Vol. 1: Alternating Current

I love Doctor Who. The TV show has been a part of my life for so long. I recently did a post about Doctor Who books. This one particularly intrigues me as it brings together the thirteenth doctor, with my favourite doctor, the tenth regeneration.

Sapiens, a Graphic History

This is a graphic novel based on the book, Sapiens! The second book was recently released. Sapiens is a non-fiction book that has been on my radar but now seeing that there is a graphic novel version, I may actually read that first.

Have you read any of these graphic novels? Do you have any that you would recommend me to read?

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  1. Heartstopper & the Tea dragon society has been some that i've been wanting to pick up!! However.. I kinda struggle with buying them? 😅 They're the same amount as a regular book, which i'd rather pick a novel instead.

    Lucky for me however, my local library do have some of them, I believe!

    Kristina @ books-and-dachshunds.com

  2. Love LOVED The Tea Dragon Society (and the other books in that universe) and LOVE Heartstopper! Great choices~


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