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Lucy Turns Pages: On The Film, Julie & Julia and Being a Blogger

On The Film, Julie & Julia and Being a Blogger

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Have you ever seen the film, Julie & Julia? It's about this writer living in America who decides to challenge herself to finish a project for once. The project she chooses is to cook all of the recipes from this sentimental cookbook in a year and to top it all off, she blogs about the journey. It is also told in alternating points of view, with us seeing the creator of the cookbook living in France in the 1960s.

I originally saw Julie & Julia one day randomly on TV and I instantly fell in love. Every time I think about it, it reminds me of my passion for blogging and writing in general.

I love writing poetry and blog posts. I love blogging about books, mental health and topics that represent life and living. I feel that it's important to use this platform to help others, something that I strive to do in my life. I want to bring attention to real issues, reduce stigma and make people feel less alone. I want to help people find books they will love, books they can escape into and books they feel represented in. I want to help writers to find new readers. I want to do so many things with this blog.

I love being in the blogging/writing community. I have met so many kind and supportive people. I have gained advice, books to read and most importantly, new friends.

Blogging gives us a platform to feel like our writing is valued but also somewhere where we can communicate with others and create a sense of community.

Even after all these years of blogs, we are still here. Bloggers and readers and supporters. You reading this keep blogs alive and I hope that this is something that will never go away.

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