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Lucy Turns Pages: Talking about things

Talking about things

Hi everyone. So as some of you know, I've been dealing with ongoing symptoms and I'm awaiting answers. This situation is hard- feeling unwell every day and not knowing why. But I know I will get through it and things will get better. I am so grateful for everyone's support. 

Due to fatigue and migraines, I have been finding reading physically really difficult, even though I enjoy it. So I am going to try listening to audiobooks, including audiobooks of the books I currently have. I think I'll switch between physical books and audiobooks. For this, I am using a mix of audiobooks through my library, Scribd, Audible.co.uk, Audible.com and Libro fm. If you'd like to help me to get audiobooks, please check out my Ko-Fi page or you can get an audiobook through Libro fm and I will get a free audiobook. Additionally, you can get 60 days of Scribd for free with my referral link and I get 30 days free.

I also have a book spotlight promotion service, if you are an author and would like to promote your book on my blog. The post is also shared on Twitter.

If you like audiobooks, Audible are currently running deals on membership so they are a lot cheaper than usual. Use my affiliate link to get a free trial or renew your membership on Audible.co.uk or Audible.com.

I think it's important to talk about health issues and if I have any update I will let you know. For now I am trying my best to keep going and to stay as positive as I can.

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