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Lucy Turns Pages: Monthly Book Club Buddy Reads Announcement

Monthly Book Club Buddy Reads Announcement

Hi everyone! I recently opened the monthly membership option on my Ko-Fi. This is like Patreon but you can pay anything you want to support me and you get exclusive rewards. One of these is a monthly book club buddy read.

Why I opened Ko-Fi membership:
  • I wanted to create a community where we can chat & have somewhere to go
  • I wanted to have a place to talk about books as much as we like
  • I currently can't do things I used to do & things are uncertain so this would give me something concrete
The rewards

  • A shout-out at the end of every blog post, including your name and website or author page link (you can opt out, this excludes book spotlight posts)
  • Access to an exclusive Discord server to chat about books, health, games, writing/content creation etc.
  • Regular reading sprints by message on a dedicated Discord channel
  • Vote/contribute to upcoming content e.g. helping me decide my next read, blog post or topic to write a poem on
  • Sneak peaks into any upcoming plans
  • Monthly book club: help choose our book and chat about it on Discord 
  • An individual shout-out on Twitter once a week 
  • A shout-out in a monthly supporters blog post which can include your links and work and this will be shared on social media
  • Regular updates from me about books, life, health etc. 
  • Direct message me to request blog posts and tweets and if possible, I will try to create them

About the book club:

We will vote on a book to read every month, this could be a middlegrade fantasy, YA fantasy, manga, graphic novel, non-fiction book or something else. If we choose a short book we can choose a secondary read too. 

There will be a channel on the Discord server where we can discuss the book as we read it!

Some of the books may come from my TBR but members can suggest books to read too!


I would love to have Ko-Fi members as a space where we can chat and hang out and just have our own fun and supportive community. 

If you're interested in joining, please check out my membership page.

Thank you:

I just want to take this moment to say thank you so much to everyone for all of your support this year, everything is appreciated and valued so thank you.

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