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Lucy Turns Pages: My 2022 Goals

My 2022 Goals

Hi everyone! I love setting goals and planning things. Here are most of my goals for the following year. In 2022 I am going to put my physical and mental health first, look after myself and do more of what makes me happy.

  • Read lots of middle grade & children's fantasy
  • Listen to non-fiction audiobooks (particularly biology)
  • Do mindfulness colouring books
  • Complete at least one jigsaw puzzle (bookish themed)
  • Learn and revise all of French on Duolingo
  • Play games more 
  • Get a diagnosis for my chronic symptoms (this is more of a strong hope)

Wish me luck with these! Do you have any goals for 2022?

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  1. Goodluck with your goals!
    I sure hope that you can get a proper diagnostic.. that would be wonderful, and I know it could make all the difference!

    I don’t have much goals this next year; only 5 reading ones. As everytime I go for something more general, covid hits and be in my way 🤣so we gonna focus on reading, ahah!
    Happy 2022!

    Kristina @ books-and-dachshunds.com

  2. Best of luck with these goals, I'm sure you will enjoy working through them! Have a great 2022!


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