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Lucy Turns Pages: 2021-01-10

3 Ways To Keep People On Your Website For Longer

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links.

You've got a business website, but there's a recurring problem. You're finding ways to get people to land on the site, but they barely stay on it for more than a few seconds. If you're lucky, someone is on there for over a minute, but they always seem to leave.

Fantastic Ways To Beat Writer's Block

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links.

Writer’s block is a dreaded condition for any wordsmith who has a deadline approaching. Whether you are trying to finish your next best-seller for an award-winning indy publisher or an overdue presentation for your business, writer’s block can stop you in your tracks and derail any chance of success. Here are five great ways to get your mind working again if you hit upon some writer’s block.
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