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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Review: The Fast Little Fox (The Fast Little Fox & Friends book #1) by Jill Horton

Book Review: The Fast Little Fox (The Fast Little Fox & Friends book #1) by Jill Horton

This book was kindly sent to me to review. However, all opinions are my own and honest. This post also contains affiliate links.

Title: The Fast Little Fox (The Fast Little Fox & Friends book #1)
Author: Jill Horton
Genre: Children's picture book
Available on: - in paperback and on kindle (Also free on Kindle Unlimited!)
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The Fast Little Fox is an adorable children's book filled with cute and humorous pictures. We follow Freddy Fox who runs so quickly, he makes mistakes. He makes a friend who helps him learn and he makes up for his actions.

I thought that this was a wonderful children's book. It teaches lessons whilst also improving vocabulary. There are various animal characters for the children to learn about, each of their names beginning with the letter of what animal they are which can help to build associations for children.

This book is a great length for a story time tale and I can't wait to see the rest of the books that Jill Horton creates. I highly recommend this book if you have children or work with them!

My rating: 5/5 stars

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