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Lucy Turns Pages: Books on my Wish List: January 2022

Books on my Wish List: January 2022

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I love books. Reading allows me to escape from physical and mental symptoms and it makes me feel happy and relaxed. As people recommend me books, I am adding them to my wish list! I have set my Goodreads goal at 200 this year. I am eager to read as much as I can this year. I am getting books from Scribd and my library and using the books on my shelves too. But there are some books that I either can't get from Scribd or my library, or I would just really like a physical copy of. I am really preferring to read books physically, especially because I seem prone to migraines these days. I am listening to biology-based audiobooks though! So here are some of the books that are currently on my wish list:


  1. I have a couple of these on my wish list as well, such as Lore Olympus, bloom and Eva Evergreen. I've read a couple of the Avatar comics and they're very enjoyable, just like the show :) I'd love for them to make some with the gang a bit older.

  2. I love to read as well, but I didn't get to read much last year. That needs to change this year. And wow 200 books. That's amazing! I love reading through Scribd but agree sometimes some books aren't available there. From your list, I'm keen to learn more about Secrets of the last Merfolk (I love mermaids and always keen to find more books with mermaids!)

  3. I love seeing other people's wishlist! I usually find something to add to my own. I really want the Pinch n Nom cookbook. I've heard such good things!


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