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Lucy Turns Pages: How To Boost Your Blog’s Success In 2022

How To Boost Your Blog’s Success In 2022

This is a collaborative post and it may contain affiliate links

So, you’ve launched a blog, posted a few times, and are now waiting to see what happens. You’ve heard of bloggers making huge successes out of their sites and are wondering what it takes to see the same level of success. (Some blogs even become so popular that they’re almost impossible to manage.)

The good news is that you’re already part-way to running a successful blog. You’ve launched your site and hopefully set up your social media channels, but you’ve still got a long way to go before your blog becomes as successful as you might hope. Don’t let that put you off though - it’s easier than you might think to build a blog that has the potential to be successful (and earn some money at the same time).

Photo source: Pixabay

Wondering what it takes to supercharge your blog’s success and turn it into a viable income stream? Below is a guide to all of the ins and outs of curating a blog that has the potential to be extremely successful - read on, take note, and implement the below tips.

Post regularly (but thoughtfully)

If you’re going to give your blog a good chance of being successful, it’s vital that you put time and effort into what you’re putting out there.

The more regularly you can post, the more beneficial for your blog (and it’s ranking in search engines), as well as for encouraging reader loyalty. It’s a handy tip to have set posting times, such as posting three blogs a week on Mondays, Wednesday and Fridays at set times, so that your readers know when to come back and check your site for new pieces.

It’s not just about posting regularly, it’s also about carefully thinking through each post idea and asking yourself whether it brings value and what that value is for readers - it’s also worth asking yourself whether it’s relevant to a current trend or what’s being searched on Google. (Learn more about how this works below.)

Utilise keywords and understand the importance of search engines

As part of your posting process, it’s important to be looking at Google and other search engines to see what’s being searched and what key terms you could utilise in your posts to help your site (and each individual post) rank higher on Google.

Believe it or not, once you understand how this process works, it becomes far easier to use to your advantage, it’s simply a case of making the time to research and learn as much about it as possible.

There are lots of free online resources to help make understanding search engines and SEO easier, there are also various plugins that you can download and add to your blog’s CMS system for pointers and tips.

Treat it like a business

If you are going to monetise your site successfully, it’s important that you treat it like a business from the get-go. You can’t expect your blog to be successful if it’s not run like a business, so make sure that you’re managing your blog in a professional manner. This means thinking about what steps you can take to run your site like you would any other business venture.

It’s often the simple things that make a real difference, such as setting up dedicated blog social media channels, as well as a dedicated blog email address and phone number. If you’re being sent PR packages, you might also want to set up a virtual address so you don’t need to give out your home address to companies for deliveries.

Having business cards made for your blog is also a great step to take; you can order these online via sites like Aura Print, for instance. Having blog business cards can be great to hand out to potential collaborators who might want to work with you on a sponsored post or social media collaboration. Plus, if you also plan on using your blog to advertise your other services, such as your freelance copywriting, SEO and social media services, business cards can be a great tool to have at your disposal.

Market your blog

If you want to make your blog a success, it’s vital that you understand how to market it. You can’t just create a blog, share some content and hope that it goes viral. You need to market your site and your content yourself, and you need to do it in a relevant and consistent way in order to see results.

Social media is the best tool at your disposal, so if you haven’t already set up social media accounts on Instagram, TikTok and Twitter, now is the time to do it. You can then use these pages to build an audience and connections. Follow other relevant bloggers, connect with others working in the same sphere as you, and make some meaningful connections with relevant brands.

The most important thing is to make sure that you’re posting regular content to your social media pages. However, it’s also vital to ensure that the content you’re sharing is interesting and relevant, if you want to see results, that is.

There you have it, a guide to how you can boost your blog’s success in 2022.

Thank you to my Ko-Fi members!~

Jill Horton- check out her children's book
Dorian J. Sinnott- check out his horror books and short story and poetry collections
Izzy Matias- check out her YA contemporary book and one of her blog posts
Adam Peter Johnson- check out his sci-fi dystopian book
Phannie- check out her blog and follow her on Twitter
O. J. Barré- check out her fantasy books- The Awen Trilogy and The Druids of Marduk

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