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Lucy Turns Pages: Reading & Stuff Update 2

Reading & Stuff Update 2

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Hello! Welcome to my second reading and stuff update. If you missed my first post, you can read it here. You can see all the books I've read on my Goodreads page.

So I read a bit more of The Book of Stolen Dreams but it ended up as a DNF (did not finish). It was very gloomy and there were trigger warnings that I wasn't aware of. It just wasn't what I expected it to be. I looked up spoilers and I wasn't happy with the ending either.

I am still reading The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System and I'm still enjoying it! I finished Georgia the Guinea Pig Fairy

I then got Kindle Unlimited! I wrote a whole post about why I got it and why I love it but Kindle Unlimited is seriously amazing, Since getting it, I have read 5 graphic novels!! 

I read the three books in the Tea Dragon series: The Tea Dragon Society, The Tea Dragon Festival and The Tea Dragon Tapestry. I had previously read The Tea Dragon Festival as a review copy but I hadn't been able to get my hands on the first book. I absolutely adored this series! The third book was especially emotional. I would highly recommend the series if you're looking for a cute, diverse and short read.

I then picked up another book by the author of the tea dragon books and unfortunately I was really disappointed! The book being Princess Princess Ever After. I loved the premise of a princess rescuing a princess but there was so much body shaming in this book! It was awful and totally unnecessary. 

Next I picked up Giant Days volume 1 and I loved it so so much! Giant Days is a comic series following three women at university, their friendship, their relationships and drama in their lives. It was hilarious and I love the fun friendship between the three main characters. I am also invested in the romances and I am going to pick up volume 2 soon. 

All of these graphic novels I read for free through Kindle Unlimited so I would highly recommend it! I also have a lot of indie books on my list to check out.

Another book I am currently reading is The Midnight Guardians. This is a middle grade book set during World War 2. We follow a child whose imaginary friends come to life and they go on a journey to try to save his sister from a raid in London, whilst a great evil force is on the move and after them. I am loving this story so far and I really appreciate how authentic the setting feels and getting a glimpse of what this time in history was like for the evacuees.

Have you read any of these books? If not, would you like to? If you're currently reading anything, please let me know what it is!

Thank you to my Ko-Fi members!~

Jill Horton- check out her children's book
Izzy Matias- check out her YA contemporary book and one of her blog posts!
Adam Peter Johnson- check out his sci-fi dystopian book!

1 comment:

  1. Though i definately like the concept of kindle unlimited, I don’t think I read enough books in a year/month for it to be worthy; I shall concentrate on my owned shelf and library for the time being 😘

    Graphic novels are something I definately need to read more of! The dragon tea society is on my list; so im happy to hear you’ve enjoyed them.
    Happy reading! Xx

    Kristina @ books-and-dachshunds.com


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