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Lucy Turns Pages: Why I Got Kindle Unlimited and Why I Love It

Why I Got Kindle Unlimited and Why I Love It

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Kindle Unlimited is a service where you can first get a free trial and then you pay a small monthly fee to access millions of ebooks. You can read as many books as you like and you don't need a Kindle to read, you can get the Kindle app on your phone, tablet, laptop or computer.

I've been thinking about getting Kindle Unlimited for a while, and here is what finally made me decide to get it and why I am so glad I did:

1. I can read as many books as I like
Kindle Unlimited literally has millions of ebooks, from both self published/small press authors and from those traditionally published too. There are so many different books on there from fiction to graphic novels. This allows me to find shorter reads alongside or between my current reads. I can also change the font type, size and page colour through the Kindle app which makes reading books easier for me when I have headaches or fatigue. 

2. It helps authors
I have spoken to some indie authors who have all said how much reads on Kindle Unlimited helps them! Authors get paid for reads so whenever you take out a book using Kindle Unlimited and read it for free, authors are actually earning money from their work, without you specifically spending any money! I love this and I am aiming to read as many indie books as I can to find new awesome reads and to support indie authors.

3. It is very cost-effective
Kindle Unlimited, after the free trial is £7.99 a month or $9.99, if you're in the US. For this price you get to read as many books as you like! There is no limit. So as long as you read a few books a month, it is so worth it and with the range of book lengths and genres, it makes it really easy to read more.

4. There are books I want to read on there
There are books that I have been wanting to read that are actually on Kindle Unlimited! So instead of waiting to be able to buy them, I can read them straight away through Kindle Unlimited. There are also so many exciting titles that I want to read by indie authors on there and I can't wait to read and review more indie books! Might I also suggest checking out The Fast Little Fox by Jill Horton? An adorable and educational children's picture book that you can read for free on Kindle Unlimited. 

Deal alert!
If you're in the UK, Kindle Unlimited is running a deal where you can get 3 months of Kindle Unlimited for 99p a month. The usual deal is a free trial for 2 months then it is £7.99 a month so getting this 3 month deal actually works out cheaper! It ends on the 30th January.

Do you have Kindle Unlimited? If so, you might want to check out my page where I list posts about books that are on Kindle Unlimited, this is regularly updated. If you don't have Kindle Unlimited, are you thinking of getting it?

Thank you to my Ko-Fi members!~

Jill Horton- check out her children's book
Izzy Matias- check out her YA contemporary book and one of her blog posts!
Adam Peter Johnson- check out his sci-fi dystopian book!

1 comment:

  1. Lovely. I got my kindle two years ago and I love it. it's great being able to just read whenever you want especially in the dark before bed and you don't have to turn on the lights. and there are a good number of books offered through the KU program that you can read for free


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