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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Spotlight: The Child of Fire and Earth: Fantasy Adventure for 8-12 years by Barry Ryerson

Book Spotlight: The Child of Fire and Earth: Fantasy Adventure for 8-12 years by Barry Ryerson


Title: The Child of Fire and Earth: Fantasy Adventure for 8-12 years
Author: Barry Ryerson
Genre: Middle Grade Fantasy
Available in paperback, ebook and audiobook: Amazon.co.uk - Amazon.com (Also free on Kindle Unlimited!)
Signed and personalised paperbacks from author


Hew had always dreamt of being a knight. Take that, villain! Yes, princess, of course I'll rescue you. Thank you, your Majesty, yes I am great with a sword. Unfortunately, being a farmer's son made that dream impossible. Real life was more about cleaning animal mess and checking for weeds.

Until he met the dragon.

It opened up a hidden world of magic around him. Faeries. Hobgoblins. Monsters, shape changers, brownies; you name them, he met them.

But there was a problem.

A blight to the north was making magic fade from the Earth. If it disappeared completely, then everyone would freeze to death.

Yes, that included Hew's annoying little sister, but even she didn’t deserve to be frozen. He would have to be brave and defeat this blight. The question was…

What could a nearly eleven-year-old do?

Author bio

Barry started his career in music technology; using computers to compose music, edit sounds, and mix recordings. After several years of teaching courses from Level 2 diplomas to full degrees, his health took a tumble, and he had to give up teaching. This meant, though, that he had time to write, something he has taken to with passion. He still can't quite believe he's an author. 

He has done a wide variety of random things in his life so far (he has a pilot's licence, performed for 1,500 people at Disneyland Paris, and, technically, is also a ninja) and he sincerely hopes this never stops.


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