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Lucy Turns Pages: How to Manage Your Mental Health When Moving to University

How to Manage Your Mental Health When Moving to University

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When you're moving away from home to go to university, it can be a daunting experience. You're in a new place, with new people, and you're expected to manage your own mental health? It's no wonder so many students feel overwhelmed in their first year. This blog post will give you some tips for transitioning into university and managing your mental health.

1) Get involved in campus life

One of the best ways to meet people and feel like you belong at university is to get involved in campus life. There are usually tons of clubs and organisations that you can join, so find one that interests you and sign up! This will help you make friends and feel more connected to your university.

In addition to joining clubs and organisations, attending campus events is also a great way to get involved in campus life. There are usually plenty of events happening on campuses, from sports games to concerts. Check out your school's event calendar and see what looks fun!

2) Make time for yourself

It's essential to make time for yourself when you're transitioning into university. This can be tough because there are so many new things to do and explore. But it's important to find a balance between socialising and taking some time for yourself. Whether it's reading, going for walks, or listening to music, find something that helps you relax and recharge.

Making time for yourself is especially important if you're feeling homesick. It can be tempting to spend all your free time talking to your family and friends back home, but this can actually make homesickness worse. So try to limit your calls home and focus on enjoying your new surroundings.

3) Find a nice place to stay

One of the most important things for your mental health when moving to university is finding nice student accomodation. This doesn't mean you need to live in the nicest dorm on campus, but it does mean finding a place that feels comfortable and safe for you. If you're not happy with your current living situation, talk to your resident advisor about switching rooms or halls. Finding a place that you feel comfortable in will help reduce stress and anxiety and make it easier to focus on your studies.

4) Seek out counselling and health services

Most universities have counselling and health services that students can use. If you're struggling with your mental health, these services can be beneficial. Counselling can provide you with support and guidance and help you develop coping mechanisms for dealing with stress and anxiety. And if you're taking medication for your mental health, university health services can help you manage your prescriptions. If you're unsure where to start, talking to your professor or resident advisor is an excellent first step. They can point you in the right direction and help connect you with your needed resources.

Moving to university is a big transition, but it doesn't have to be complicated. By following these tips, you can set yourself up for success. And who knows, you might even enjoy yourself!

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