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Lucy Turns Pages: Non-Fiction Book Recommendations

Non-Fiction Book Recommendations

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Do you like reading about other people's lives and experiences? Check out these non-fiction books by self-published/small press authors!

"Lynch syndrome is a genetic condition that makes it more likely for a person to get cancer. In other words, it’s the world’s worst loyalty programme." Colon cancer, uterine cancer, duodenal cancer. Colostomy bags, infertility, genetic testing. But also, joy. Also adventure. Also grit. GUT FEELINGS spans ten years from the author's first cancer diagnosis to the life-changing surgeries for her second and third. Racking up a collection of medical experiences - and losing countless organs along the way - Sam Rose has stories for anyone facing the uncertainty of cancer or Lynch syndrome, to help patients and survivors feel less alone.

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The first part of being smart is knowing you're not.

Most people assume that I'm slow. Some people are shocked that I'm smart enough to talk. I was emotionally delayed by 15 years. That diagnosis was based on a lack of empathy. For some reason I stopped maturing at 7. Luckily, I started again around 22 years old. Now that I'm 50, I have the mental age of a 35-year-old. It's no big deal now. But when I was 20, I had the mental age of a 7-year-old. It was a problem then.

In my book, Learning Empathy: The Memoirs of an Autistic Savant, these are my stories of how I learned empathy despite a life of institutional abuse. They say that Hard Lives Build Great Hearts and I am evidence that that is true.

Click the link to purchase your copy of my book Learning Empathy:

The Memoirs of an Autistic Savant. All profits from this book go to a 12-step group founded in Illinois. The purpose of this 12-step group is to help people recover after being in a psychiatric hospital or other traumatic situation. By purchasing my book, you not only learn about what I went through, but can be a part in helping others like me.

The Truth About Change and Awakening: A Memoir

With wisdom and humor, Rachael DK invites us into her world as a writer and survivor, examining the truths and fictions we tell ourselves and others as we teeter on the tightrope between meaning and mortality, guilt and redemption, fear and courage, hope and change. The emotional and physical pains she journaled throughout her life are ultimately revealed to the reader. Her memoir offers a deeply personal yet universal tour of our hearts and minds and providing the rarest of gifts: a boldly revealing portrait of what it means to be human. So many of the author's struggles as a two time suicide attempt survivor, breast cancer survivor, chronic illness sufferer—though rare when combined, are a reflection that helps readers see things in a new light, and rediscover simple pleasures and everyday joy. It is the story of how any of us can begin to trust ourselves enough to set boundaries, make peace with our bodies, honor our heartbreak, and unleash our truest dreams so that we finally look at ourselves and say: There I am, the real me.

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This book delves into the experiences of a young woman trying to navigate life’s twists and turns. She often finds herself standing on the corner between one identity and the other trying to decide which road to take. This collection of poems and essays are a reflection of the joys and sorrows of traversing through the intersections of life.

Another Day in Paradise (Tails from Paradise)

A warm-hearted, autobiographical story told by an author who really knows her subject, the location and the lifestyle in a small village in the Algarve, as seen through the eyes of a British couple, who made the move seeking a quieter, more serene way of life. What lurks in the shadows of paradise, however, is a life-changing illness she has struggled with in the past and now comes to the fore. They have made Portugal their home.

Will they be able to navigate the health system and succeed in getting her the urgent operation needed, to prevent her from spending the rest of her life in a wheelchair? This adds tension to an otherwise gentle, amusing, highly descriptive story, filled with wonderful observations, funny clashes of culture and an entertaining learning curve for all concerned. The dialogue is so authentic, you can hear their voices. The characters appear real and 3-dimensional and the supporting cast of cats and dogs at times threaten to steal the show. This is a fulfilling and satisfying read, uplifting, positive and makes you long for a sequel.

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Our Little Piece of Paradise: 2 (Tails from Paradise)

When a young British couple, Karen and Nick first took a holiday in the Algarve in Portugal, little did they know that 35 years on they would find themselves permanent residents and much-loved members of the local community, well-known for rescuing and housing stray animals, working alongside the local vet and even helping the local fire brigade!

This eagerly awaited sequel to Karen’s acclaimed and hugely popular first book “Another Day in Paradise” continues the story of life in the Algarve, its miracles and challenges as Karen lives with the aftermath of a spinal operation, gets herself through a gruelling language test hoping to gain citizenship and pursues her passion for rescuing cats and dogs, all of them characters in their own right.

Another heart-warming slice of life from an author with a brilliant eye for both the absurd and the humane as she shares the reality of living their dream.

Free on Kindle Unlimited

Like the rest of the body, it’s good to exercise the mind. Daily exercise, and meditation, has been shown to increase health, by decreasing stress, which allows the body (and mind) to naturally release endorphins, relax and heighten awareness. In this helpful book, Gabriel Constans leads the reader through fifty-two gentle and encouraging sessions planned to reconnect the body and soul. It takes courage and bravery, to honestly witness what we discover, inside and out, without turning away or getting caught in the content. It is a brave act to allow oneself to be still, if even for a moment, to look at one’s present experience, face the world and grow stronger.

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Please let me know if you pick up any of these!

Thank you to my Ko-Fi members!~
A. K. Faulkner- check out their queer dark urban fantasy series!

Josh de Lioncourt- check out his fantasy books!
Charles Edward Williams- check out his Roman fiction book
D. M. Wright- check out his horror comedy books and romantic comedy book about dating
Cherron Riser- check out her romance and paranormal romance books
C. A. Lewis- check out her children's fantasy adventure book
T. F. Lince- check out his mystery book and mystery thriller
Kimberly Greer- check out her romance book
Jill Horton- check out her children's book
Quinn de Barra- check out their supernatural horror book and follow them on Twitter
Jesse Nave- check out his fantasy series
Lacey Krauch- check out her fantasy romance book
Sarah Spookychild- check out her suspense romance books: Rightly Wrong or Wrongly Right and Open the Door, Let the Sun in and her sci-fi romance, Ground Zero.
Ruth Mini- check out her YA romance books
Jen Smith- check out her contemporary romance book
Melissa Stone- check out her YA urban fantasy series and adult fantasy series
T R Peers- check out his science fantasy series
Michael Whitworth- check out his literary fiction book
Miller Thomas- check out his paranormal fantasy book
M. H. David- check out his thriller book
Dorian J. Sinnott- check out his horror books and short story and poetry collections
R. G. Roberts- check out her sci-fi books and fantasy Kindle Vella
Rachael DK- check out her memoir and poetry book
MJ Hutto- check out her fantasy books
Tim Ruel- check out his sci-fi book and author website
Erik S. Meyers- check out his historical fiction book and author website
Barry Ryerson- check out his middlegrade fantasy book
Jon Herrera- check out his middlegrade fantasy series
Adam Gaffen- check out his author website and latest sci-fi book
Kasia Metkowski- check out her blog and serialised story
Mark Piggott- check out his fantasy book and author website
Arbor Winter Barrow- check out their YA sci-fi books and poetry book
IJC Writing- check out their blog and fantasy book
Jeanna Louise Skinner- check out her paranormal romance book
Michael Westmoreland- check out his fantasy book
Meg Radiant- check out her sci-fi book and author website
Gayle Ramage- check out her sci-fi novella and weird speculative short story collection
Tangela Williams-Spann- check out her book, Sad, Black, and Fat: Musings From The Intersection and her author website
Karen Telling- check out her autobiographical stories of living in the Algarve- book 1 and book 2
Ismael S Rodriguez Jr- check out his poetry books- The Darkness and the Light and Alma Solitaria
J.D. Cunegan- check out his contemporary fantasy book: Notna and Bounty (sci-fi detective series)
Breanna Bright- check out her horror paranormal fantasy book: The Shepherd and the Horned Girl
Kyle Baxter- check out his gay romance novels!
R. L. Hanslow- check out her children's books
K.M. Harding- check out her romance book
Misa Buckley- check out her sci-fi romance and paranormal romance book
Cay Fletcher- check out their LGBTQ+ fantasy short story collection
Elizabeth Morris- check out their YA dark fantasy series
Aron Silver- check out his horror mystery book
Nikki Dudley- check out her thriller book and poetry collection
Izzy Hunter- check out her romcom books: Highland Fling and What Becomes of the Broken Hearted?
Courtney Maguire- check out her dark paranormal fantasy romance book: Bloodlaced and Blood Pact
Matthew Weatherford- check out his book: Learning Empathy: The Memoirs of An Autistic Savant
Izzy Matias- check out her YA contemporary book and one of her blog posts
Adam Peter Johnson- check out his sci-fi dystopian book
Phannie- check out her blog and follow her on Twitter
O. J. BarrĂ©- check out her fantasy books- The Awen Trilogy and The Druids of Marduk
Rebecca Rose- check out her family saga book 1 and book 2
Mellie Miller- paranormal romance writer, check out her author page and website
Maria Blackrane- follow her on Twitter for updates on her upcoming dark adult fantasy
Sara R. Cleveland- check out her fantasy romance books
Steven Neil- check out his historical fiction book
Casey Bell- check out his books: A Family of Strangers and 4Score
Alan K. Dell- check out his sci-fi books: From the Grave of the Gods and The Re-Emergence
Kyt Wright- check out his author page and website
Denise O. Eaton- check out her fantasy books website and book 1 in her fantasy series
Tea Spangsberg- check out their fantasy book and author website
Harrison Murphy- check out his thriller book and follow him on Twitter 
Ellie Yarde- check out her romance book and book blog
Candice Zee- check out her YA fantasy book and website
Richard Holeman- check out his horror book and website
Pumpernickel House Publishing- check out their website and journal issue 1
Katherine Macdonald- check out her Hades and Persephone retelling and author website
Elisha Bugg- check out her paranormal romance book and linktree with all her links
EeJay Enekwa- check out her contemporary romance book
Fiona Forsyth- check out her historical fiction book set in Rome
Randeletta Howson- check out her YA fantasy
J. S. Gordon- check out his sci-fi book
Armanis Ar-feinial- check out his Arthurian inspired fantasy book
R. S. Yeager- check out his psychological thriller book
K Pimpinella- check out their sci-fi book
Krista Wagner- check out their YA Christian mystery suspense book
Jane Cornwell- check out her mindfulness book
F. A. Ray- check out their MLM book
B. A. Bellec- check out his coming of age free book
Jorge Arenas- check out his horror book
L. W. Lowe- check out her Greek mythology fantasy romance book
James Paige- check out their fantasy romance book

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