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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Spotlight: Night Rise by Frances De La Rosa

Book Spotlight: Night Rise by Frances De La Rosa

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Title: Night Rise
Author: Frances De La Rosa
Genre: Fantasy
Available on Amazon (also on Kindle Unlimited)


Right before princess Dawn Mantrisa becomes officially engaged to the unruly prince Geoff, a not-so-natural event throws her kingdom into darkness. With the help of her friends and Dusk, the arcane fairy who holds her heart, she adventures for a magical lantern to relight her land. Finding it, though, means working with Dusk’s friend, Diya. The temperamental lux fairy has a painful link to the lantern, and mysterious intentions for Dawn and Dusk. But this is only the beginning, as secrets test convictions, an old enemy comes to light, and strange yet terrifying connections are found between the prince’s bestial nature and the unimaginable Night Rise.

Author bio

Frances De La Rosa lives in Eastern Washington with her husband, two kids, two dogs, and one cat. When she's not keeping after her family, she enjoys writing, singing, and sewing. Her first piece of fiction was a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure story in middle school. She sings almost daily, though her musical career is regulated to the kitchen while she's cooking. Her favorite thing to sew is frilly dresses for herself, and she hopes to teach her daughter to make her own dresses when she's older.

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