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Lucy Turns Pages: Responsibilities You Take On When You Hire For Your Small Business

Responsibilities You Take On When You Hire For Your Small Business

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Most small businesses come to the point where they recognise that they need to start hiring to take on the work that the owner can’t handle themselves. However, aside from the many benefits that come with having a team under you, there are also responsibilities that you had better be ready to deal with, as well. Here, we’re going to look at some of those.


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Managing their efforts

When you hire someone, you tend to bring them on to take on specific roles and duties, and you would hope that they’re able to handle most of these duties fairly independently. However, as their employer, you do have to set the standards and expectations that they have to work to, making it clear what objectives you want them to reach and the methods and tools they have at their disposal. While you want to avoid micromanaging, you should ensure that you have the tools or the indicators to get a better idea of precisely how effective they are at completing their tasks.

Paying them

Of course, in exchange for the work that your team is providing you, you’re going to compensate them. Such is the nature of paid employment. However, paying them has to be done in a way to fit the rules and regulations of running a legal business, which means record-keeping, routine payment, and so on. It can become a bigger task than a lot of employers assume, which is why you might want to think about using outsourced payroll services to take care of it. That way, you can make sure that you’re not taking too much on your plate and can focus on your core competencies.

Paying their taxes, too

If you work with a payroll team, then this might be taken care of for you. However, when you hire an employee, their taxes are taken directly from their pay before they get it and, as such, you have to help them set up their new tax status. You also need to register as an employer. It’s not a whole ton of work and you don’t need to do it very often, but it’s something that you can’t forget.

Keeping them safe and healthy

One of the most important obligations of the employer is to ensure that the work and workplace do not unduly affect the health and safety of those who you are working with. This counts for every workplace, not just the notably dangerous such as manufacturing plants and construction sites. In the office, this might mean ensuring that they have ergonomic furniture to avoid the risk of musculoskeletal injury, keeping it clean to avoid the risk of disease spreading, and working with them to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

With the tips above, hopefully, you keep in mind that managing a team can become as much a part of your job as making sure that the business is running smoothly. Neglect or forget your responsibilities and it’s much easier to make some really costly mistakes.

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