1. Please introduce yourself (who are you, what genre/s do you write in, what books do you have out)
I have written two memoirs of our move to, and life in Portugal.
2. What are your favourite books?
2. What are your favourite books?
As a child I loved Ballet Shoes, as an adult The Book Thief, The Historian, and Labyrinth
3. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
3. When did you know you wanted to be an author?
I have always loved books and writing stories, I didn’t think I would actually achieve publication though.
4. What is your favourite part of the writing process?
4. What is your favourite part of the writing process?
When it flows easily and you see the word count growing. Editing and marketing
5. What is your writing routine?
5. What is your writing routine?
I write in short bursts, usually no more than an hour at a time. I am disabled and write flat on my back, on my phone, with two thumbs.
6. How do you balance writing (and everything else to do with it) with the rest of your life?
6. How do you balance writing (and everything else to do with it) with the rest of your life?
I am disabled and retired so can write whenever I feel like it.
7. What inspires you? How do you beat writers block?
7. What inspires you? How do you beat writers block?
So far I’ve been inspired by memories and the kindness of strangers. If I get stuck I move to another part of the story and then go back to it later.
8. How do you keep consistent/write a lot?
8. How do you keep consistent/write a lot?
I write 30-60 minutes, 2-3 times a day.
9. Does anyone read or edit your work before publication? If so, how did you find them?
9. Does anyone read or edit your work before publication? If so, how did you find them?
I have several beta readers, one of whom proofreads, then I employ a professional editor.
10. Can we have a sneaky look at your future plans?
10. Can we have a sneaky look at your future plans?
I’m considering fiction, I have several ideas vying for space, and maybe even childrens books.
11. Finally, what advice would you give to other writers (inspiring, those publishing and those published)?
11. Finally, what advice would you give to other writers (inspiring, those publishing and those published)?
Just write, you can’t edit a blank page.
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