In the depths of serious illness, the Emperor Augustus is forced to rethink how he governs the city. He calls upon an unlikely helper. Lucius Sestius, one of those who fought against Augustus in the early days of the Roman Empire.
To Lucius’ consternation, he is catapulted into office just at a time when a pestilence is sweeping through Italy. Thousands of people are dying and the River Tiber is riding dangerously high. But Lucius finds himself not only fighting floods and an epidemic. A conspiracy is forming, centered on Lucius’ friend Aulus. The Emperor feels threatened and Lucius is expected to choose the right side, but when Aulus comes begging for help to escape Italy, Lucius cannot refuse.
It is a mistake that brings the Emperor’s wrath down upon him and Lucius must pay a heavy price to redeem himself in the eyes of Augustus.