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Lucy Turns Pages: Graphic Novel Recommendations 1

Graphic Novel Recommendations 1

I've been really enjoying reading graphic novels! They're so cute, fun and emotion-evoking. I'm loving reading them on Kindle where they are available. I wanted to share some that I've read and want everyone to check out!

The Sad Ghost Club


Volume 1 was on sale so I thought I'd check it out and oh wow was I surprised! The Sad Ghost Club follows characters who suffer with their mental health, they meet and talk about life and things. It feels like such an authentic portrayal of living with mental illness, it's so relatable and lovely. I immediately read and adored the next two books in the series and I can't wait for volume 4! These are absolute must-reads!

Star Knights

Star Knights is an adorable magical adventure! You follow a frog in a world where animals speak, in the past some were granted magical powers but something went wrong and they were turned into beasts. Our main character, Tad desperately wants to be a star knight but others see him as creepy and evil because he is a frog. I loved this!


Issunboshi is free on Kindle Unlimited and you should absolutely pick it up! In this one there is this tiny man who was created by a magic item. He is brought up from a baby and he has incredible strength. When he is older, evil forces seek to take him to reunite parts of this weapon and release something more. This book has some great characters and friendships and even though it's a short read, it really packed an emotional punch and I thoroughly enjoyed it. A great magical story.

The Witch Boy

This is the series that kicked off my recent graphic novel excitement. In this book there are witches and shapeshifters. Witches have always been girls and shapeshifters have always been boys. Our main character, Aster, wants to be a witch but the community say he can't be. Then something evil is attacking and Aster can use his powers to help. 

This series was so lovely and it says a lot. I highly recommend picking up all three books.

I could talk about a lot more but these are all I feel like writing about today. If you check out my Goodreads read page or challenge you can see some of the graphic novels I've been reading. I have a bunch on my radar which I'm adding to my wishlist as well.

Do you read graphic novels? What are your favourites? Do you want to pick any of these up? Let me know in the comments!

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