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Lucy Turns Pages: My 2024 Goals/ From Now!

My 2024 Goals/ From Now!

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I always get excited towards the end of the year/at the beginning of a new year because I love setting goals. I've been thinking about things I want to focus on next year/from now really. Here are those things:

Note: So I don't know if I'm going to change this but, the last few years I have focused on reading a lot of books. I think now I want to focus on other things instead and just read when I feel the desire to. I do have some physical books I want to get to soon though.

1. Finish Duolingo: I have been trying to learn two languages on Duolingo for a long time! Now I want to spend some of the swapped reading time and other times doing the lessons and aiming to finally complete all of the levels! If I finish this, I want to move on to practicing and expanding my vocabulary, grammar and skills. Do you use Duolingo? What do you recommend using after it?

2. Blogging:So going forward I really want to post more regularly on my blog again, specifically I want to focus on uplifting others, sharing their thoughts, experiences and advice on a range of topics including reading, writing, mental health, chronic illness and art. I also want to keep sharing indie books! If anyone would like to write a guest post please email me at lucyisreading@gmail.com!

3. Cosy games: I really want to play a lot more. (P.S. definitely check out Instant Gaming for discounted games, it's so good!)

What are your goals?

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