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Lucy Turns Pages: 2023-11-19

Baby Steps by Hazel Meredith-Lloyd

This is a post written by the author

Title: Baby Steps
Author: Hazel Meredith-Lloyd
Genre: Contemporary commercial fiction/women’s fiction/Romcom
Where to read: Kindle Unlimited or buy on Amazon in e-book or paperback https://amzn.eu/d/9akpStP


Jenny has cystic fibrosis and diabetes. She has a colour coded list of things she wants to give to her future children, but her genes aren’t on it.

As she and her husband Kyle navigate the challenges of the adoption process, their best friends, Helen and Jake, fall unexpectedly pregnant.

Can Jenny convince the adoption panel that she and Kyle can cope with looking after her health conditions as well as parenting two children who’ve had a difficult start in life?

Moreover, can best friends stay close when one has thrust upon them what the other longs for?

My 2024 Goals/ From Now!

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I always get excited towards the end of the year/at the beginning of a new year because I love setting goals. I've been thinking about things I want to focus on next year/from now really. Here are those things:

Note: So I don't know if I'm going to change this but, the last few years I have focused on reading a lot of books. I think now I want to focus on other things instead and just read when I feel the desire to. I do have some physical books I want to get to soon though.

1. Finish Duolingo: I have been trying to learn two languages on Duolingo for a long time! Now I want to spend some of the swapped reading time and other times doing the lessons and aiming to finally complete all of the levels! If I finish this, I want to move on to practicing and expanding my vocabulary, grammar and skills. Do you use Duolingo? What do you recommend using after it?

2. Blogging:So going forward I really want to post more regularly on my blog again, specifically I want to focus on uplifting others, sharing their thoughts, experiences and advice on a range of topics including reading, writing, mental health, chronic illness and art. I also want to keep sharing indie books! If anyone would like to write a guest post please email me at lucyisreading@gmail.com!

3. Cosy games: I really want to play a lot more. (P.S. definitely check out Instant Gaming for discounted games, it's so good!)

What are your goals?

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