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Lucy Turns Pages: 2023-11-26

Where to get free and discounted books!

 This post contains referral links

Hi everyone! So if you've been here before, you'll know that I love books! Along my reading journey I've looked into different apps and stores and here are some great places where you can get free or discounted books.

1. Better World Books

Better World Books sell new and used books at typically discounted prices. They ship to the UK, US and internationally. They also run regular deals. A wonderful thing about Better World Books is that they fund libraries and literacy programs! They also donate books when you buy books! If you use this link, you'll get $5 (or the equivalent) off of your order.

2. Scribd/Everand

Scribd, which has recently rebranded to become Everand, is a fantastic resource for ebooks and audiobooks. They have an expansive collection and you can read as many books as you like each month (sometimes they limit you if you've read a lot of popular books in one month and you have to wait but this has only happened to me once). I have read so many excellent books through Scribd. Use this link to get 60 days free, you can cancel anytime.

3. Libro fm

Libro fm is another wonderful company, you can get audiobooks and each purchase supports independent bookshops. It is also now available internationally! You can currently get two audiobooks when you join using code CHOOSEINDIE.

So those are three amazing resources for finding free and discounted books! Have you used any of these? Would you like to?

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