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Lucy Turns Pages: Mastering A+ Content on Amazon: A Guide for Indie Authors

Mastering A+ Content on Amazon: A Guide for Indie Authors

Person holding a book with the Amazon logo displayed above and the blog post title 'Mastering A+ Content on Amazon: A Guide for Indie Authors'

As an indie author, you understand the importance of standing out in a crowded marketplace. Amazon, as the largest book retailer globally, offers a powerful tool to enhance your book listings and attract more readers: A+ Content. In this guide, I'll explore what A+ Content is, why it's crucial for indie authors, and how you can create compelling content that boosts visibility and sales.

What is A+ Content?

A+ Content (formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content for Amazon sellers) allows authors to add rich descriptions, more images, comparison charts, and videos to their book listings. This content goes beyond the basic text description and bullet points, providing a more immersive shopping experience for potential buyers.

Why A+ Content Matters for Indie Authors

  1. Increased Conversion Rates: Engaging content can significantly enhance your book's appeal, encouraging more browsers to become buyers.
  2. Enhanced Visibility: Well-crafted A+ Content can improve your book's searchability and visibility on Amazon.
  3. Distinctive Branding: For authors with multiple books, A+ Content helps in building a consistent brand, making your work instantly recognisable across your catalog.
  4. Detailed Information: It allows you to convey more about your book's features, backstory, or the author, which can persuade readers looking for specific elements in their next read.

How to Create Effective A+ Content

Step 1: Access Your Amazon Author Central Account 

To get started, you'll need to have an Amazon Author Central account linked to your books. Once logged in, navigate to the "Books" tab, choose the book you want to enhance, and select 'Add A+ Content' at the bottom of the listing.

Step 2: Understand the Guidelines 

Before you begin, familiarise yourself with Amazon’s A+ Content guidelines. Amazon has specific rules about what can and cannot be included, such as claims about bestseller status or promotional content, which could lead to your submission being rejected.

Step 3: Plan Your Content 

Decide what kind of content will best enhance your book’s appeal. Consider including:

  • Rich Images: High-quality images of your book cover, teasers of inside pages, or author photos.
  • Compelling Copy: Craft engaging and informative text that complements the images and highlights the benefits of your book.
  • Comparison Charts: If you have multiple books, a comparison chart can help readers decide which one to purchase.
  • Videos: Book trailers or author interviews can be extremely effective in drawing in readers.

Step 4: Design Your Layout 

Use Amazon's modules to lay out your content. Be mindful of mobile and desktop layouts, as they can appear differently. Ensure your images and text are clear and legible on all devices.

Step 5: Submit for Review 

Once you’re satisfied with your A+ Content, submit it for Amazon’s review. Approval typically takes around seven days. If rejected, Amazon will provide reasons, and you can modify and resubmit your content.

Step 6: Monitor and Optimise 

After your A+ Content is live, monitor your book’s performance. Check your sales and customer feedback to see if it's making an impact. Adjustments may be necessary as you learn what works best for your audience.


Leveraging A+ Content on Amazon can significantly impact your book's success by enhancing its listing and attracting more readers. With careful planning and creative execution, you can utilize this feature to distinguish your book from thousands of others and provide potential readers with the information they need to make a purchase decision.

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