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Lucy Turns Pages: Author Interview: B. N. Reele

Author Interview: B. N. Reele

1. Please introduce yourself (who are you, what genre/s do you write in, what books do you have out)

Hi there, I'm B. N. Reele, indie author! I write YA fantasy books and have published two novels (both standalone) along with a bunch of short stories published on the Neopets website.

2. What are your favourite books?

I think it stands to say that my favorite author is Agatha Christie, and there are too many favorites for me to choose just one. Right now, I'm stuck between "And Then There Were None" and "A Caribbean Mystery".

3. When did you know you wanted to be an author?

Honestly... I never really thought about being one. I just woke up one day and said "hey, I'd like to write a book" and started writing. Well, I've always written short stories when I felt like it, but writing a full length manuscript was a challenge to be honest and it took me a while to finish the first draft.

4. What are your favourite and least favourite parts of the writing process?

Nothing is more of a challenge than going back to developmentally edit your entire book. Like, you get so engrossed in the story that sometimes you don't realize you might have accidentally changed a minor detail that will throw off the entire plot you've made, and then you have to go back and fix other details. Usually you can catch 'em yourself, but sometimes other readers will point it out.

5. What is your writing routine?

Maybe I'm not the normal writer, because whenever I feel like writing is when I'll go and start to write. I don't sit down and plan out my books because it makes me feel like I'm forcing myself to do something instead of letting it "flow".

6. How do you balance writing (and everything else to do with it) with the rest of your life?

My main job is not writing - nor is it my goal of everyday to sit and write. My life is busy and writing is just something I do for fun, with no inclination to become a full time author. It's always leisure and if I had to feel like I needed to balance it, then more than likely it would feel like a job and probably not be as fun, honestly.

7. What inspires you? How do you beat writers block?

When I see other people with new material and posting updates and books, sometimes I'll sit and start writing my own thing. Also, when I'm super bored at night, I'll tend to write a lot. My kids are my priority during the day so I don't ever really get to just sit around and write.

8. How do you keep consistent/write a lot?

Being as it is, a hobby, I don't really consistently write but I'm totally fine with that.

9. Does anyone read or edit your work before publication? If so, how did you find them?

BETA READERS ON REDDIT, totally the best way to find other people to read it and typically they don't want to charge you.

10. Can we have a sneaky look at your future plans?

I do not currently have any future plans except for a giveaway! I am giving a paperback copy of both my novels in a gift box, with the details listed on my author website.

11. Finally, what advice would you give to other writers (inspiring, those publishing and those published)?

Indie publishing is just as valid as trad and don't let other people tell you otherwise.


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