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Lucy Turns Pages: Book Deals, Services and Free Trials

Book Deals, Services and Free Trials

There are a bunch of ebooks and audiobooks that you can access for free with trials of book services. I have listed all of these below. I would really recommend trying them out because you can cancel any time and I have enjoyed all of these in the past. I've also listed Book Depository because it is an easy way to get books internationally and places that support local bookshops, as well as where you can get signed and special editions of books. Please note that this page includes affiliate links which means that I earn a small commission if you use my link.
Free Trials


Get unlimited access to a range of ebooks and audiobooks free for 60 days. They have a large library and include a lot of books that can be harder to find!

Get a free audiobook and if you become a paid member, support independent bookstores with every audiobook you buy.

UK & US:

Kindle Unlimited (UK | US)
Access to over 1 million free ebooks and audiobooks that are in the Kindle Unlimited scheme for 2 months. Books include The Alchemists of Loom and Air Awakens by Elise Kova.

Audible (UKUS)
Get one free audiobook and two audible originals (audio titles created by Audible).

Audible Escape (US)
Listen to as many free romance audiobooks as you like for a month. A number of romance audiobooks are available.

Fire for Kids (UK)
Access thousands of free ebooks for your children with a 1 month free trial.

Amazon Prime (UK | US)
Get Prime free for 30 days. If you are a student, you can get Prime free for 6 months. Prime includes one day delivery and a bunch of offers, such as access to a selection of free ebooks and music.

Where else to buy books

Book Depository
Get books at competitive prices with free worldwide delivery.

Kindle Book Deals

Here are a selection of cheap kindle books, I would recommend also checking out this page (UK |  US) for daily deals.

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