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Lucy Turns Pages: Where to Get Audiobooks & Free Audiobooks

Where to Get Audiobooks & Free Audiobooks

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I love audiobooks and through my quest to find more books on audio, I have discovered a few amazing audiobook services. Some of these are free and some offer free books on top of their paid membership. I will be adding to this page so please bookmark it/ come back if you'd like to! 

Scribd have a huge range of ebooks and audiobooks. You can get a 60 day free trial and then it is 9.99 a month. You can read as many books as you like each month, although people have said they have been limited after a number of books in a month but that hasn't happened to me yet. Here is a list I made of some of the books I found on Scribd!

Libro fm is a wonderful website where you can get audiobooks and support independent bookshops at the same time. They have a huge range of audiobooks including some that are hard to find! 

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