This is a book tag created by Kate from GirlReading ( There are a series of book related questions to answer so let’s go:
Q: E-Book or Physical Book?
A: E-book, I know this is a controversial answer but I love my kindle so much! It is light to hold, keeps my page open and tells me an estimate of how much longer I have left in the book which helps motivate me to keep reading.
Q: Paperback or Hardback?
A: I don’t really have a preference!
Q: Online or In-Store Book Shopping?
A: I love shopping in a book store. Being surrounded by books is one of my favourite places. I can look at all of the different books available and choose whichever is available at the time. I often find books that I wasn’t originally planning on buying!
Q: Trilogies or Series?
A: I love series because then there are more books to read, as long as the books still continue to be great and there is enough story to last across more books.