Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Three games that I am excited for in 2019
Spring Reads!
I have just discovered a group who post blogging prompts for every Wednesday. The prompt for today is spring reads. For this, I have decided to write about the top 5 books that I would like to read for the season of Spring. These are not necessarily related to Spring but these are books that I am very excited for.
The TBR Purge
I am at the point when I no longer look at my books with
excitement. I am not jumping to pick any of them up. I feel like my tastes have
become more specific. When I have been looking at books that I would like to
get that I have been listing on my Amazon page, I have noticed that I am
choosing a lot less in some genres than I would have in the past. I feel like I
am at a crossroads; trying to find which types of books I love and want to read
more of. I am finding myself wanting to get new books and not really read the
ones I have on my shelves. However, I want to give these books a chance so I
have come up with a TBR purge challenge if you will.
I am going to start picking up a book at a time from my
shelf and read the first chapter, as you do in the try a chapter tag. I can’t
always decide whether I want to read a book based solely on the first chapter
but there have been books that I have instantly realised that I do not mesh
with the writing style and that is absolutely fine. If I find that I do not
like the writing style, I will put that book aside, although I will likely give
it at least two chapters. If I am not sure whether I want to read more of a
book, I am going to aim to read two to three chapters and see how I go.
If I am finding myself not enjoying any of these books, I am
going to put them on my ‘to give to someone else to enjoy’ pile. I am hoping
that I will also find my favourite types of books throughout this process. I
will likely update you all on my journey and let you know how I go! I will
probably read new books in between TBR books but I am excited to sort out my
book collection. Have you ever done a TBR purge? How did it go?
Anxiety by Selena Gomez and Julia Michaels
Have you heard this song? What do you think?
Get Your Game On
The past few years has seen an explosion in online gambling from Bingo to new slots cropping up on various established websites. But whether you’re dedicated to your Xbox One or a die hard PS4 gamer, one thing’s for sure the sheer volume of choice when it comes to gaming is going to work in everyone’s favour.
Image courtesy of Pixabay
How To Freshen Up Your Finances For Spring
If you haven't been paying attention to your finances for a while, it may have come as a shock to find yourself overspent in the new year. Perhaps you got into bad money habits over the past few months without fully realising with all the extra expense of Christmas. Spring is the perfect time to review your money situation, set some goals and change your bad habits for good- for the sake of your mental wellbeing.
Image from Unsplash
Image from Unsplash
Check Out Your Paperwork
To get a true idea of your current financial situation you need to see the big picture - that means gathering up the statements for everything from that high interest credit card that's been ticking away, to your current account, any savings and investments and long term secured loans and looking across the board to really understand your position. If you don't, then you can't work out how to improve things or work out how much spare cash you have to save or invest and what bills you pay which could be cut out or reduced down through shopping around for electricity suppliers or mobile phone contracts. There may be unused subscriptions or old memberships you had overlooked which could be cancelled.