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Lucy Turns Pages

My Top 5 Goals Right Now

I love goal setting. I have so much that I want to do but I have to be careful not to overwhelm myself with too many! I wanted to create a post about my goals right now. Some are ongoing, others to focus on now and others to work on a bit later on.

1. Study for my dream job

 I said in an earlier post about wanting to get into teaching. I am currently working in education and I find it so fulfilling. My dream is to teach English as a foreign language (EFL). To do so, I need to study a variety of things. One very important thing is grammar. Typically in English schools we learn a lot less about grammar terminology. I remember learning very little about grammar when I was at school. So the first part of my first goal is to study grammatical techniques and learn the vocabulary. Secondly, I am going to be doing a relevant qualification to gain more knowledge, experience and to boost my CV. I am planning on doing a series of posts about my journey!

The 3 Biggest Challenges Of Novel-Writing

Anyone who has ever written a novel will tell you that it is hard work, but not nearly so difficult as it seems before you have ever done it. When you are just starting out to write a novel, you might find yourself feeling as though you are about to embark on the impossible. It is helpful to remember that a first draft is just that - a draft - and to bear in mind Hemingway’s assertion that the first draft of anything is meant to be terrible. Giving yourself that space and freedom to just write, as bad as whatever comes out might be, is a hugely valuable thing to do, and ultimately the only way that anyone ever manages to get a first draft down in the first place. You can edit later, and make it as good as it needs to be at that point. For now, it is worth paying attention to a few key challenges which you are going to have to overcome. The better you understand how to approach the following, the better your results will be.


Life Update April 2019!

Hi everyone! So much has happened so I really wanted to write a life update post. 


If you have been here for a while, you may know that I have anxiety, depression and OCD. I am so happy to say that for the first time ever, I have made so much progress in this area! I used to be so anxious because of my OCD about going on a bus and I had not been on a bus in years and guess what? I took a bus. I had a job interview which meant that I had to get a bus. I was very nervous but I did it! And then, I took a train. And another one. And another one. I travelled far on my own and had an amazing time. 

Additionally, I have now been in a pretty much full-time job in education for a while. I will talk more about my career goals below but with my depression and anxiety, there were times when I didn't work and I struggled working part-time. I still have symptoms and I still get bad times but those bad times are a lot shorter and I am able to deal with them better. I feel like these improvements are due to a few factors. I went to a specialist and finally got the right medication for me. I have been taking part in regular therapy. I have been regularly blogging. And I have been fortunate enough to have an amazing support circle. I still have a way to go but rather than thinking about where I want to be, I am trying to think more about where I was and where I am now. 

And for anyone reading who is where I was; severely depressed/anxious, unable to do anything and nothing seems to work: things can and do get better. Seek professional help and keep trying until you find a doctor/therapist that you gel with. This can take a lot of tries but believe me, it is so worth it. I know that not everyone is fortunate enough to have people that support them but please do not give up. Things can and do get better. You never know where the future will take you, usually to places you never dreamed possible or even thought of. 

Dinosaur Cutout Silhouette Framed Poster From Chris and Christine's Crafts Review!

I recently discovered Chris and Christine's website, where they sell handmade cards, decor, jewellery. Their decor range features watercolour prints, embroidery hoops, wreaths, cut out artwork and clay hangings. Chris and Christine were kind enough to send me a cut out artwork to review! I loved so many of their designs but being a huge dinosaur fan, I absolutely had to review this dinosaur cut out silhouette framed poster. Chris and Christine provide this design with a range of colours. The dinosaurs are cut out on the front page and different colours laid beneath. The names of the dinosaurs are also included.

The first thing that I have to say is how beautifully wrapped the package was! The poster came in a large cardboard package with an adorable pattern drawn around the address. Chris and Christine's wonderful label was also included. The poster was wrapped carefully in paper sheets and it arrived in perfect condition. I was really pleased with how this poster was both well-packaged and individually designed.

Why It Is OK to Procrastinate Sometimes

Some of you may know that I have dealt with anxiety and depression for a number of years. One issue that I have is with relaxing. My mind is constantly thinking so when I have spare time it can be difficult for me to just relax and not think so much. I tend to think about all of the things that I could and 'should' be spending my time doing. 

Recently I have realised that I am too harsh on myself. Using words such as 'should' is not helpful and I need to eliminate such words and be kinder to myself. There is not much that I HAVE to do. It is OK to spend my spare time watching boxsets and YouTube videos. Instead of feeling bad about all the things I feel like I 'should' do, it is better to just calm down and go with the flow. I don't need to have completed a bunch of tasks and be 'productive'. It is enough to work and spend time with loved ones. The rest of the time can be spent however I like. It is much better to be more relaxed about things rather than spend my time thinking and feeling bad. 

Keeping Track of the Books I Want to Read!

I recently discovered Book Depository's wishlist feature. I love Book Depository, they sell books typically at a discounted price and they provide free delivery, perfect for when you want to buy one or two books at a time. 

Book Depository is also a great place for getting books as presents. I was planning on asking for some books for my birthday and rather than creating a list, I have started adding books that I would like to my Book Depository wishlist. This means that I can send a link to my friends and family members and they can choose whatever book/s they would like. 

Mera: Tidebreaker Graphic Novel Book Review

book reviews, comic, dc, dc ink, fantasy, graphic novel, mera, superhero, ya, mermaid books,

Pokemon Clothing & Accessories Wishlist

Lately I have been wanting to get some new clothes for my wardrobe, including ones based on some of my favourite fandoms such as Pokemon. I had a look on Amazon and found several items that I find super cute and would love to add to my collection.


Who doesn't love a pair of socks? I wear trainer socks around the house and to sleep in. These Pokemon socks are absolutely adorable and I would love to have them in with my supply of socks.


These gloves are so cute! They are fingerless so you can still use your phone etc. but they will also keep the rest of your hands and arms warm at the same time. 


I found two Eevee purses! For those who love pink, this pink Eevee purse is perfect. It is so cute! The comic strip themed Eevee purse is also sweet and I feel that both of these would reach a wide audience. However, if I had to choose one, it would definitely be the pink purse!

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