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Lucy Turns Pages

Nintendo Switch Games That Should Be on Your Radar!

There are a number of great-looking video games that have been released recently. I wanted to do a round-up of all the games that look interesting to me and share it with you guys!

The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening

I originally wasn't sure about this game, having not completed A Link Between Worlds yet but the graphics in this game look astounding and the gameplay looks interesting! I never played the original game that this is based upon. I have loved some of the Zelda games but some I have not. Have you played this game? If you have, what did you think of it?

End of the Year Book Tag

Time for a book tag! This one is the end of the year book tag and features questions reviewing my year and plans for the rest of the year. Original video for this tag.

An Illusion of Thieves Book Review

Title: An Illusion of Thieves
Author: Cate Glass
Genres:Adult, Fantasy
Publisher: TOR Books
Publication Date: 2019
Number of pages: 352
Trigger warnings: child slavery, sexual assault, violence, alcoholism

This book is set in a place called Cantagna where a death sentence is given for being a sorcerer.

Romy had a hard childhood and leaves to become a courtesan to the Shadow Lord who claims to be allowing everyone to share the comforts and benefits that were once only given to the wealthy. Romy's brother Neri, uses magic to steal and when he is caught, Romy must do everything she can to help him.

Looking at Books Recommended to Me By Goodreads!

Goodreads has a recommendation feature. I decided to check this out, I clicked recommendations and it took me to a page with a list of books based on my Goodreads shelves. Here are the books that Goodreads believed I might like and my thoughts on them:

Dragonslayer Book Review

Dragonslayer (The Dragonslayer Book 1) by [Hamilton, Duncan M.]Dragonslayer
by Duncan M. Hamilton
Published by TOR Books
Publication Date: 2019
Number of pages: 301

Trigger warnings: murder and alcohol.

Guillot dal Villevauvais used to be a member of the King's personal guard. He now spends his time drinking and mourning the death of his wife and child.

The Prince asks Guillot to kill a dragon out of the blue. Especially because dragons went extinct... didn't they?

Reviewing 4 Popular Language Learning Platforms!

language learning, learning a language, language apps, language websites, french, learning french, duoling, drops, memrise, babbel,
As some of you may know, I have been learning French. During this time, I have tried quite a few resources, including four popular apps/websites: Duolingo, Memrise, Drops and Babbel. Here is what I found:

Top 5 Fantasy Books That I Want to Read Soon!

I love fantasy books. Fantasy is definitely my favourite genre and I am hoping to increase my reading for the rest of the year after having a reading slump so I thought I would list the top 5 fantasy books that I am aiming to pick up soon. Let me know if you have read any of these!

Storm Glass Title: Storm Glass
Author: Maria V. Snyder
Publisher: HarperCollins
Publication Date: 2013
Book Depository

This book follows Opal who is a student at the magic academy in Sitia. Opal isn't confident in her magic and doesn't seem to be able to create and control magic in the same way as the other students.

Opal is called to help the Stormdancer clan, individuals who bottle storms. They need Opal's skill to protect the people.

Opal discovers new magic but will she be able to control it?

TBR Update!

Hi everyone! I've been aiming to get back into reading after a bit of a slump. I'm currently reading books on my shelves, as well as books from the library. I thought that I would make an updated TBR list of all of the books that I currently own and have not read. Some of these I feel that I may be no longer interested in but I am going to be trying chapters. I am hoping to find some great reads! Let me know if you have read any of these and what you would recommend!

The books

4 Reasons To Lose Yourself In A Book

Taking time out is essential for our wellbeing. We lead busy lives and it is impossible to keep up with the pace if we do not prioritise making time for ourselves and deliberately slowing that pace down from time to time. For some people, that time out might be tending to their roses, it might be a session of hot yoga, it might be playing Moto X3M or it might be baking a chocolate cake. It really does not matter what it is that you choose to do to relax and switch off, as long as you ensure that you do make the time for it. For us, it will always be hard to top the pleasure of reading, which is why today we wanted to share with you 4 reasons to lose yourself in a book.

Image Pixabay - Pixabay License

Life / Blog Update September 2019!

Hi everyone! I felt like I wanted to self-reflect and I have been wanting to write an updated life progress post so I thought that I would write it today.


So some of you may have noticed that I have been posting less frequently on my blog. I got to the point where I was spending so much time on my blog but I had so many other things to do and it just was not equal. So I took some time away from posting with the only posts that I published being blog tours and reviews for some of the books that I have been reading. I do want to post on a regular basis but to a lesser extent than I was before.
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