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Lucy Turns Pages

5 Ways To Make a Big Impression at Your Next Dinner Party

Remember the days when throwing a get together with your friends amounted to little more than getting a few bottles of cheap cider, a dozen cans of lager and a big bag of twiglets or cheesy Wotsits? When you find yourself eschewing these boozy get togethers for a fully fledged dinner party it’s a sign that, despite yourself, you might just be turning into a proper grownup. A dinner party can be a wonderful way to catch up with old friends, meet the new girlfriends or boyfriends of people you love, and create the fuel for dozens of reminiscences in-person and online for years to come.

dinner party, eating in, food, entertaining,
Image by Kaboompics via Pexels

3 Ways to Save When Buying a New Car

For many, buying a new car for the first time is the epitome of success, especially if you’ve been riding around in a used vehicle for years. Whether you finally have a career that allows you to invest in such things, or you’ve been diligent with saving your money and taking care of your finances, this is an exciting time and you should be proud of your achievements that led you here.

But, just because you have the funds to purchase a new vehicle doesn’t mean you need to shoot for the most expensive model on the market. In fact, there are plenty of ways to save money when you’re purchasing a new car.

When you try to save, you can put the extra money toward other important things, like insurance, taxes, or store it away for the future for any repairs or maintenance the vehicle might need.

With that in mind, let’s go over three tips you can use to save money during your car-buying experience.

buying a new car, finance, finances, how to save for a car, money management, saving,

Freelancing: Getting your Legal Documents in Order

It can be scary as a freelancer, or just getting into the world of freelancing. You are a sole trader, no team members, but the freedom to work when and where you like. However, something that every freelancer needs to keep in mind, is the documentation they need to keep themselves and their work safe. This small guide aims to help answer every freelancers questions when it comes to keeping their work safe!

freelance documents, freelance legal documents, freelancing, self-employed, self-employment, blogging. writing inspiration, writing aesthetic, writing prompts, blogging, blogging for beginners, blog tips, blog content, blog for beginners, blog, freelance writing,
Image Source, Pexels

6 Useful Tips To Help You Write Your Own Bestselling Book!

writing tips, writing a book, writing a book how to start, writing a book for beginners, writing a book inspiration, writing a bestseller, freelancing, blogging. writing inspiration, writing aesthetic, writing prompts, blogging, blogging for beginners, blog tips, blog content, blog for beginners, blog, freelance writing
Image Link - CC0 Licence

As book enthusiasts, you’ve maybe dreamed of one day creating and publishing your own book series. If you enjoy writing mini-stories in your spare time, or the idea of producing a novel is something that’s always been exciting to you, then you’ve come to the right article!

Today, you’re going to be treated to some of the best tips for writing your own bestselling book. Check them out, then use them to plan your book-writing process:

A Memory Called Empire Book Review

a memory called empire, sci fi, science fiction books, science fiction aesthetic, science fiction, book worms, book aesthetic, book review, book review blogs, book review template, book blog, book blog post ideas, book blogger, book blogging, book blog ideas, book blog to follow, reading, reading aesthetic, blog, blog post ideas, blog content, Title: A Memory Called Empire
Author: Arkady Martine
Publication Date: 2020 
Publisher: TOR Books 
Genre: Sci-fi
Length of audiobook: 15:37:00
Trigger warnings: Suicide, death

In the Texicalaanli Empire, a new ambassador has been found. Her predecessor was murdered and she may be next.

Mahit investigates what is going on amongst the rich and powerful but Mahit is hiding secrets of her own, including one that could kill many.

Tips for Making the Most of a Book

If you love to read, you might get through a lot of books and other materials. However, you can't always buy new books all the time. When you are reading, you might feel like you don't have time to really appreciate the book too. To make the most of your next book, try the following things.

Take Your Time

A lot of people set themselves goals for reading a certain number of books in a year. But reading doesn't have to be a race. Just because you're capable of skim-reading, it doesn't mean you have to. Taking your time can allow you to take more in and experience more.

The Dragonslayer Book 2: Knight of the Silver Circle Book Review

Knight of the Silver Circle (The Dragonslayer Book 2) by [Hamilton, Duncan M.]Knight of the Silver Circle
By Duncan M. Hamilton
Released November 2019 by Tor Books
Find it on Amazon
Previous book in the series: Dragonslayer

Three dragons are burning towns and killing people, as well as decimating their food stocks. Guillot was able to kill one using an ancient sword and cup but now he needs help to kill all three of these new dragons.

Gold The Moon Eater Review

The Moon Eater: Gold Book One by [I.M.Bones]The Moon Eater (Gold Book 1)
by I. M. Bones
Genre: Dark Fantasy
Publication Date: 2019
Number of pages: 284
Goodreads - Amazon - Book Depository

Undercover Thief Review

undercover thief, book review, book reviews, ya thriller, ya, thriller, heist, heist books, Undercover Thief
by H. T. King
Genre: YA Thriller
Publication Date: 2019
Number of pages: 438
Goodreads - Amazon - Book Depository

PS4 Games That Should Be on Your Radar!

The PS4 has been around for a while but I have not managed to play as many games on it as I did with previous consoles. I wanted to make a list of some of the popular games that I have heard of/ some that I would to play. Please let me know your thoughts on these games and any games that you would recommend!

Final Fantasy VII Remake

This game comes out in March 2020. I never played the original but I have seen gameplay of it. I actually played Crisis Core on PSP which is set just before this game. I have to admit that I preferred Zack to Cloud but it would still be interesting to play this game and find out more about this famous character.
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