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The Power of Having a Niche

Being a writer is tough in today’s business landscape. Our work is often undervalued, unappreciated, and underpaid. We have to spend long hours for years at a time just to get to a point where clients will pay us a price that reflects what we put into a project.

One way to fast track your writing career and get paid more is to decide on your niche/s. Here’s why developing a niche or a few niches are so crucial as a writer.

1. Everyone is a Generalist

blogging, freelance writing, having a niche, niche blog, why you need a niche, writing,

Beat the Burnout! 3 Ways to Take a Break and Feel More Inspired

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

Whether you’re working from home, starting up your full-time career as a freelancer, or you’re in the middle of writing the world’s next bestselling book, there’s one thing no one is immune to; experiencing burnout.

Burnout occurs more than you might think when you’re overworking your mind and body and not giving yourself the breaks you need. Not only can it cause you to feel uninspired and tired, but it also can lead to some problematic health issues, including increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

So, no matter what you’re working on, it’s important to walk away from time to time and practice a little self-care. Use these tips to get started so you can beat the burnout and get back to being the next big success story!

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Eliza and Her Monsters Book Review!

anxiety, audiobook review, book review, book reviews, depression, eliza and her monsters, mental health, panic disorder, webcomic, ya contemporary, ya contemporary books, Title: Eliza and Her Monsters
Author: Francesca Zappia
Genre: YA Contemporary
Length of the audiobook: 8hrs 51mins
Narrated by: Caitlin Kelly and Kate Rudd
Trigger warnings: anxiety, panic disorder, depression, suicide, bullying

Eliza Mirk is a teenage girl who doesn't have any friends in real life and hides in her room drawing. But the secret that no one except her family know is that online she is LadyConstellation, a creator of an extremely popular and famous webcomic called Monstrous Sea.

Eliza loves her webcomic and her online friends and she prefers living in the online world until she meets Wallace Warland, a boy who loves Monstrous Sea and turns out to be the famous fanfiction writer of it! Wallace shows Eliza that there is more to an offline world than she thought. But Wallace doesn't know the truth. What would happen if it all came out?

You Need Help! Here's How to Hire New People For Your Small Business

One of the biggest challenges that you will face in your small business is knowing when to hire people. You’ll have to think about the help that you need before you open your business so that you can budget for a new person or two. You also need to think about how you want to manage this as a cash-strapped individual trying to do their best!

While your company may be little and not ready to compete with the big dogs out there in terms of salary, you can still make your mark and ensure that you hire people who want to work with you. With that in mind, here are a few things to think about when you come to hiring your first few employees.

small business, self-employed, self-employment, hiring people,
Image Source: Pexels

5 Things Nobody Tells You About Life as a Freelancer

All around the country, and indeed the world, we’re learning just how fragile the economic world we all live in really is. People are learning that their jobs are not as secure as they thought, businesses of all shapes and sizes are feeling the pinch and an unfortunate many are having to scrape by on Statutory Sick Pay. As a result, more and more people are starting to think that maybe working as a freelancer might be the perfect way to either supplement their income as a side hustle or start your career all over again from scratch. Freelancing is awesome… at least potentially. You get to make a living for yourself on your own terms, doing what you love. Most of the time you’re working from home and you have complete control over your working hours, giving you the flexibility to achieve your own work / life balance.

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5 Ways To Make a Big Impression at Your Next Dinner Party

Remember the days when throwing a get together with your friends amounted to little more than getting a few bottles of cheap cider, a dozen cans of lager and a big bag of twiglets or cheesy Wotsits? When you find yourself eschewing these boozy get togethers for a fully fledged dinner party it’s a sign that, despite yourself, you might just be turning into a proper grownup. A dinner party can be a wonderful way to catch up with old friends, meet the new girlfriends or boyfriends of people you love, and create the fuel for dozens of reminiscences in-person and online for years to come.

dinner party, eating in, food, entertaining,
Image by Kaboompics via Pexels

3 Ways to Save When Buying a New Car

For many, buying a new car for the first time is the epitome of success, especially if you’ve been riding around in a used vehicle for years. Whether you finally have a career that allows you to invest in such things, or you’ve been diligent with saving your money and taking care of your finances, this is an exciting time and you should be proud of your achievements that led you here.

But, just because you have the funds to purchase a new vehicle doesn’t mean you need to shoot for the most expensive model on the market. In fact, there are plenty of ways to save money when you’re purchasing a new car.

When you try to save, you can put the extra money toward other important things, like insurance, taxes, or store it away for the future for any repairs or maintenance the vehicle might need.

With that in mind, let’s go over three tips you can use to save money during your car-buying experience.

buying a new car, finance, finances, how to save for a car, money management, saving,

Freelancing: Getting your Legal Documents in Order

It can be scary as a freelancer, or just getting into the world of freelancing. You are a sole trader, no team members, but the freedom to work when and where you like. However, something that every freelancer needs to keep in mind, is the documentation they need to keep themselves and their work safe. This small guide aims to help answer every freelancers questions when it comes to keeping their work safe!

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Image Source, Pexels

6 Useful Tips To Help You Write Your Own Bestselling Book!

writing tips, writing a book, writing a book how to start, writing a book for beginners, writing a book inspiration, writing a bestseller, freelancing, blogging. writing inspiration, writing aesthetic, writing prompts, blogging, blogging for beginners, blog tips, blog content, blog for beginners, blog, freelance writing
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As book enthusiasts, you’ve maybe dreamed of one day creating and publishing your own book series. If you enjoy writing mini-stories in your spare time, or the idea of producing a novel is something that’s always been exciting to you, then you’ve come to the right article!

Today, you’re going to be treated to some of the best tips for writing your own bestselling book. Check them out, then use them to plan your book-writing process:

A Memory Called Empire Book Review

a memory called empire, sci fi, science fiction books, science fiction aesthetic, science fiction, book worms, book aesthetic, book review, book review blogs, book review template, book blog, book blog post ideas, book blogger, book blogging, book blog ideas, book blog to follow, reading, reading aesthetic, blog, blog post ideas, blog content, Title: A Memory Called Empire
Author: Arkady Martine
Publication Date: 2020 
Publisher: TOR Books 
Genre: Sci-fi
Length of audiobook: 15:37:00
Trigger warnings: Suicide, death

In the Texicalaanli Empire, a new ambassador has been found. Her predecessor was murdered and she may be next.

Mahit investigates what is going on amongst the rich and powerful but Mahit is hiding secrets of her own, including one that could kill many.
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