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Learning French Journal #1 Comparisons to English and Pronunciation

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know! 

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Words in French compared to English:
  • Some French words are spelled the same as English words and mean the same thing.
  • Some French words look similar to what they are and mean in English.
  • Some French words look the same but have different meanings. 
  • Some French words look similar to English words but mean something different. 
  • Some words have been borrowed from English, this is called Franglais. 

Can An SUV Be A Good City Car?

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SUVs have long been a popular choice for car owners across the world. These vehicles often come with plenty of space, provide a commanding position on the road, and can be a great fun to drive. Of course, though, with more and more people living in cities, it’s worth thinking about whether or not this type of vehicle is any good in urban environments. To help you out with this, this post will be exploring some of the features you should be looking for in an SUV to be used in and around your city.

Moving House? Here Are 5 Things to Organise in Advance

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Photo by Andrea Piacquadio from Pexels

Are you moving house in the near future? Then it’s time to get organised. Moving is a very stressful task. And whether you’re doing it for university, a new job or another reason, you’ll want to be prepared in advance to help ease the stress as much as possible. Which is why it’s a good idea to create a checklist ahead of time.

Listing everything that you need to get done, it will make you feel more ready and make your move-in day run more smoothly. To get you started, here are five things that you should have on there:

English Grammar: Past Simple Tense

Hi everyone, as some of you may know, my goal is to become an English Language Teacher. I decided to create a blog post series where I study and review topics that I will need to be knowledgeable about. My last post was about present simple tense. This post will be about past simple tense!

Past simple= I did

Group of People Doing Marathon
Image. Example: I ran the marathon last week.

English Grammar: Present Simple Tense

Hi everyone, as some of you may know, my goal is to become an English Language Teacher. I decided to create a blog post series where I study and review topics that I will need to be knowledgeable about. My last post was about present continuous tense! This post will be about present simple tense!

Present simple tense= I do

Woman Sitting on Brown Stool

English Grammar: Present Continuous Tense

Hi everyone, as some of you may know, my goal is to become an English Language Teacher. I decided to create a blog post series where I study and review topics that I will need to be knowledgeable about. Today we will be talking about present continuous tense!

Present continuous= I am doing

4 Reasons Why Heading Back Into Education Is A Pretty Good Idea

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In this life, we have an almost endless amount of opportunities. Some of us are bound by certain commitments at particular points in life, but we all can genuinely do whatever we please when it comes to our careers and other occupational ventures – if we put the work in, of course. If we really focus on something, then we can reach our goals – that’s a fact.

The Power of Having a Niche

Being a writer is tough in today’s business landscape. Our work is often undervalued, unappreciated, and underpaid. We have to spend long hours for years at a time just to get to a point where clients will pay us a price that reflects what we put into a project.

One way to fast track your writing career and get paid more is to decide on your niche/s. Here’s why developing a niche or a few niches are so crucial as a writer.

1. Everyone is a Generalist

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Beat the Burnout! 3 Ways to Take a Break and Feel More Inspired

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

Whether you’re working from home, starting up your full-time career as a freelancer, or you’re in the middle of writing the world’s next bestselling book, there’s one thing no one is immune to; experiencing burnout.

Burnout occurs more than you might think when you’re overworking your mind and body and not giving yourself the breaks you need. Not only can it cause you to feel uninspired and tired, but it also can lead to some problematic health issues, including increased heart rate and high blood pressure.

So, no matter what you’re working on, it’s important to walk away from time to time and practice a little self-care. Use these tips to get started so you can beat the burnout and get back to being the next big success story!

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Eliza and Her Monsters Book Review!

anxiety, audiobook review, book review, book reviews, depression, eliza and her monsters, mental health, panic disorder, webcomic, ya contemporary, ya contemporary books, Title: Eliza and Her Monsters
Author: Francesca Zappia
Genre: YA Contemporary
Length of the audiobook: 8hrs 51mins
Narrated by: Caitlin Kelly and Kate Rudd
Trigger warnings: anxiety, panic disorder, depression, suicide, bullying

Eliza Mirk is a teenage girl who doesn't have any friends in real life and hides in her room drawing. But the secret that no one except her family know is that online she is LadyConstellation, a creator of an extremely popular and famous webcomic called Monstrous Sea.

Eliza loves her webcomic and her online friends and she prefers living in the online world until she meets Wallace Warland, a boy who loves Monstrous Sea and turns out to be the famous fanfiction writer of it! Wallace shows Eliza that there is more to an offline world than she thought. But Wallace doesn't know the truth. What would happen if it all came out?
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