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Lucy Turns Pages

Probiotics for IBS: Bio-Kult Advanced Review

Bio-Kult were kind enough to send me their Advanced Multi-Strain Formulation to review. Some of the facts in this post were provided to me by Bio-Kult. All opinions are my own and honest.

Probiotics are one of the main things recommended to try for IBS but there are so many different ones out there that it can be hard to choose. Bio-Kult was one of the products recommended to me by a professional so I decided to give it a go.

How to Create More Space in Your Home

Most of us are cooped up at home right now, wishing we could be out in the open air. Being stuck in the house during lockdown can feel a little claustrophobic at times, particularly if you live in a small flat or share with other people. Going for a run in the park or a walk to the shops can help, but you still have to go back to your tiny space. Feeling cramped has a negative impact on your wellbeing and make you feel anxious and stressed. We need space to breathe and the freedom to move.

No matter how small or crowded your home is, there are ways to make it feel more spacious. Here are a few tips for creating more space in your house.

5 Reasons Your Business Needs A Blog In 2020

This is a collaborative post and it may contain some affiliate links

There might be many fancy new marketing methods out there, but blogging is still highly effective, which is why it’s here to stay! If your business doesn’t have a blog yet, here come five good reasons why you should change that.

1 . Present yourself as the expert

With a business blog you can show your readers that you are an expert in your field. When you teach your audience, using engaging posts, you’ll come to be a thought leader and raise your credibility. Remember, your blog doesn’t have to be written content only. You can just as easily incorporate video content to make the experience more visual and engaging.

How to Reduce Stress and Sleep Better

As part of World Mental Health Awareness Week (18th-24th May), the impact of sleep on mental health is being discussed more openly. The Mental Health foundation have stated how important sleep is in supporting our mental health.

Kalms are aiming to raise awareness of the stress-sleep cycle in their #KeepKalms and Carry On Campaign. They kindly asked me if I wanted to share this information on my blog, this post is not sponsored.

What is the Stress-Sleep Cycle?

Stress can be a major contributing factor to lack of sleep. Stress is how our body reacts when we are faced with certain situations. Stress can be beneficial in small bursts but if it persists, it can be harmful to us. Stress can negatively impact our physical and mental health, as well as our sleeping patterns.

Learning French Journal #9 Small Talk

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. In my last post I discussed talking about your job. In this post I will be looking at making small talk and topics of conversation. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

clouds during golden hour

Emotion verbs:

Aimer- to like/love
Préférer- to prefer
Aimer mieux- to prefer/like better
Adorer- to adore
Détester- to hate

How to Fight Anxiety and Improve Your Well-Being During Lockdown

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Hi everyone! So as some of you know I have anxiety and in the current situation it has not been great. I've been trying some different things to combat my anxiety and to feel better and happier and I wanted to let you know some of the things that I have tried in case they may help you too.

Recent Reads #1: Some new favourites and some disappointments

Hi everyone! So I wanted to start writing wrap-ups of some of the books that I've read recently and have more to say about. I want to start from the beginning of this year but as I read quite a lot in the first few months of this year I am probably going to split this into more than one post! I'm going to give a summary, a few thoughts and my rating for some of the books that I have read. I hope that you enjoy this post!

Red Rising by Pierce Brown

Red Rising is set in a world where there are people who live on Mars and mine for the people on Earth. They believe that they are making Mars safe for humans to live on but this is a dangerous job and there are secrets behind the more powerful in society.

This book sounded really interesting and I was in the mood for some sci-fi. It's a really popular book but unfortunately I didn't really like it. I liked the concept but I didn't like the characters. I found the main character and even parts of the plot irritating.

3/5 stars

Assassin's Apprentice by Robin Hobb: The Farseer Trilogy Book One Book Review

Title: Assassin's Apprentice (Book one of the Farseer Trilogy)
Author: Robin Hobb
Genre: Fantasy
Number of pages: 460
Length of audiobook: 17hrs 18 minutes
Trigger warnings: child abuse, animal murder


Assassin's Apprentice follows a boy called Fitz throughout his early childhood and teenage years. Fitz is the illegitimate child of the prince of the kingdom. No one knew that he existed until he is brought to the castle. The King will not allow Fitz to claim his birthright and his father is banished. Fitz is allowed to stay in the castle and is essentially raised by the stable master who names him Fitz (he didn't have a name before and was simply referred to as 'boy'). We find out early on that Fitz has a power, one that allows him to go into the minds of animals, to communicate with them and see what they see. This power is seen as forbidden and evil so it is discouraged. As Fitz becomes older he makes an agreement to be the king's ally and his assassin.

4 Ways To Avoid Disaster With Your Home

You may not realise this but there are a few disasters that you can encounter as a homeowner. It’s important to ensure that you are prepared for these issues and that you are able to deal with them effectively. The first step is understanding what these disasters are and how they come about. So, let’s take a look at a few of the worst examples.

Avon Round-Up: The Latest Offers in Makeup and Skincare

Hi everyone! So I have loved Avon since I was little, it is a brand that my family have always used. They offer affordable make-up, skincare, perfume, toiletries and even clothing. They also run a lot of offers including free gifts! So I was incredibly excited when I was approved to be an affiliate with them! I thought I would do regular round-ups of their latest offers and some of their products so that you guys can see some of their incredible range.

Free eyeshadow worth £15 when you buy Euphoric mascara

Avon True Euphoric MascaraThis mascara is £9 and you get a free gift of an eyeshadow set with it. The Euphoric mascara is for lengthening lash volume with a lightweight feeling.
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