One thing most people consider to be the million-dollar question has to do with what a person’s life purpose is. From horoscopes to visiting palm readers, many people have found themselves resorting to different approaches to help them gain some form of direction in their lives. Most experts or life coaches will advise you to find something you’re passionate about and pursue it if you want to make your life more meaningful. But that is always easier said than done, as many people remain trapped in life’s “rat race” - waking up to lives they don’t want. So, are you looking to find your life goals and purpose? Consider the following tips.
Personal Development Strategies To Finding Your Purpose In Life
One thing most people consider to be the million-dollar question has to do with what a person’s life purpose is. From horoscopes to visiting palm readers, many people have found themselves resorting to different approaches to help them gain some form of direction in their lives. Most experts or life coaches will advise you to find something you’re passionate about and pursue it if you want to make your life more meaningful. But that is always easier said than done, as many people remain trapped in life’s “rat race” - waking up to lives they don’t want. So, are you looking to find your life goals and purpose? Consider the following tips.
Book Spotlight: Jasmine Perez Series by Joharra Harper
Hi everyone! Today I am doing a spotlight post! These are posts where I haven't read the book but I am sharing information about it to help authors reach a wider audience. If you are interested in checking out the book, the links are included!
If you’d like to see more bookish content please check out my YouTube channel!
If you are an author and you’d like your book/s to be considered for a spotlight post please email me with your book information to
Book Spotlight: Tales of Lunis Aquaria by Tessa Hastjarjanto
by Tessa Hastjarjanto
The balance is tipping. Something shifts in the world of Lunis Aquaria. Menacing creatures, daunting deserts, and treacherous mountains. Hardships and solace, friendships and love. Read the stories of what went on before the world is lost in disparity and meet the heroes who will one day restore harmony.
Tales of Lunis Aquaria is a collection of nine short stories set in the fantastical world of Lunis Aquaria.
The coming of beasts ~ The sacred maiden ~ Moonflower ~ Thomas and the wolf ~ The witch from Monterra Mountain ~ Shepherd’s Stick ~ Archipelago of wonder ~ Decapod’s ire ~ Lovers across time
If you’d like to see more bookish content please check out my YouTube channel!
If you are an author and you’d like your book/s to be considered for a spotlight post please email me with your book information to
Guest post- Gut Feelings: Helping Myself and Others By Writing My Cancer Memoir
In 2018, I was diagnosed with duodenal cancer and uterine cancer, both within two days of each other. I had a hysterectomy in September 2018 for the uterine cancer and Whipple surgery in November for the duodenal cancer. Whipple surgery is a big surgery that involved removing the duodenum (part of the small intestine); the head of the pancreas; the bile duct; and the gall bladder. The operation took eight hours and I was in the high dependency unit for two days and in hospital for a total of ten days. My hysterectomy means my partner and I are unable to have biological children, so cancer has been emotionally difficult again in new ways.
But once again, writing has helped me. Firstly, it’s helped because I decided to do my PhD on how creative writing can help cancer survivors to cope with emotional issues. I’m now in the second year of my PhD and I’m enjoying it a lot. My studies have given me a new and exciting purpose, bringing meaning to my cancer experiences.
Secondly, in 2019 I began writing my memoir and now that
book has been published! Gut Feelings: Coping With Cancer and Living With
Lynch Syndrome spans the time from my first diagnosis in 2010 to recovering
from my surgeries in 2018. It covers not just the physical and medical aspects,
but commentary on the effects and how cancer survivors can practice self-care.
The reason why I’ve had cancer three times is because I have Lynch syndrome, which is a genetic condition that makes it more likely for people to get certain types of cancer. This also features heavily in the book, alongside colon cancer, womb cancer, having a colostomy bag and then an internal pouch, and of course, the mental health issues surrounding cancer survivorship. I hope anyone who can relate to any of those things, or is a caregiver or relative of someone experiencing any of those things, will get something out of this book.
If you are reading this and you would like to talk to someone about your own cancer experiences, please feel free to reach out to me. I’m on Twitter at @writersamr and my website is
My memoir, Gut Feelings: Coping With Cancer and Living With Lynch Syndrome, is available on Amazon.
3 Ways To Keep People On Your Website For Longer
You've got a business website, but there's a recurring problem. You're finding ways to get people to land on the site, but they barely stay on it for more than a few seconds. If you're lucky, someone is on there for over a minute, but they always seem to leave.
Fantastic Ways To Beat Writer's Block
Writer’s block is a dreaded condition for any wordsmith who has a deadline approaching. Whether you are trying to finish your next best-seller for an award-winning indy publisher or an overdue presentation for your business, writer’s block can stop you in your tracks and derail any chance of success. Here are five great ways to get your mind working again if you hit upon some writer’s block.
I Now Talk About Books on YouTube (A Little Update)!
Hi everyone! So today I am writing just a little update post to let you know that I am now talking about books on YouTube!
I have been wanting to make book videos for a long time but I finally took the leap and started a couple of weeks ago. I have been back and forth with planning my schedule and what types of videos I would like to share but I think I have decided that I will aim for two videos a week, which I will likely post on Saturdays and Mondays. I will be doing TBRs (what I hope to read that month) at the beginning of each month and wrap-ups at the end with individual book reviews throughout the month depending on how much I read. My other videos will include recommendations, tags and upcoming releases that I think sound exciting.
I have been really enjoying making book videos and discussing books with more people on YouTube. This project has been a really helpful focus for me and it is something that I am really passionate about. I love talking about books and sharing them with other people. I am having so much fun coming up with video ideas and giving them a go.
So I will mainly be posting bookish content over on my channel but I will still be posting on my blog sometimes! I will be posting a lot of content on my channel so please feel free to check that out if you would like to talk about books with me!
Thank you so much for your support throughout my blog's journey and this is not the end but an extra book that I am so happy exists.
4 Ways To Feel More Mentally Alert In Your Day
If you’ve been to your GP and they can’t find any apparent reason why you seldom feel mentally alert each day, don’t despair. There are a few things you can do to boost your mental capacity and feel more fresh and alert. Take a look at these examples for inspiration:
Getting Your Office Ready For Winter
This year, more than ever, there is a better reason to allow your team to work as remote workers from home. Aside from the obvious issue of the pandemic that we’re hoping to ease our way out of by early next year, you also need to keep an eye on weather forecasts. The roads can be especially dangerous in the winter and if your team has to commute far to reach your property, then it may be worth simply closing the office and letting everyone work remotely.
Support UK independent bookshops without leaving your home
This post contains an affiliate link, if you buy books through this link, I may earn a commission from Bookshop, whose fees support independent bookshops. All views are my own.
We all know the feeling of entering a bookshop and being swept away with the view of all those books, all of those worlds waiting to be explored, all of those stories that have been loved by others before us and may be loved by us in the future.
I love exploring bookshops but unfortunately due to the current situation many of us have not been able to go to bookshops to the extent that we may have before. In the US, there is a website called Bookshop where you can buy books online and support independent bookshops. They announced that a UK site was coming and I was eagerly awaiting for it to open. Bookshop's UK site is now up and running with so many books in their catalogue (the only book I haven't found so far is a pre-order book but they do say that their catalogue is updated automatically so I expect it will be added). The prices are great for most of the books that I have looked at so far and best of all, through every purchase you support independent bookshops, publishers and authors.