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Prepositions in French- Learn French with me!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning French page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!


dans- in
devant- in front of
sur- on
derrière- behind
entre- between
sous- under
à côté de- next to
à la droite de- on the right of
à la gauche de- on the left of
dessus- above
dessous- below
en face- in front of
prés de/proche de- close to
loin de- far away from
au bout de- at the end of
au début de- at the beginning of
par/parmi- among

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

Meat and fish in French- Learn French with me!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning French page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

les viandes- meats
le poulet- chicken
le canard- duck
le lapin- rabbit
le porc- pork
l'agneau- lamb
le veau- veal
le boeuf- beef

le poisson- fish
le thon- tuna
la truite- trout
le saumon- salmon
l'espadon- swordfish
les sardines- sardines
les crevettes- shrimp
le homard- lobster
les moules- mussels
les huîtres- oysters
les coquilles Saint- Jacques- scallops

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

Fruit and vegetables in French: Learn French with me!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning French page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

les fruits- fruits
la banane- banana
la pomme- apple
la poire- pear
la pêche- peach
l'abricot- apricot
la cerise- cherry
le raisin- grape
la prune- plum
la figue- fig
la framboise- raspberry
la fraise- strawberry
l'ananas- pineapple
l'orange- orange
la melon- canteloupe
la pastèque- watermelon

les légumes- vegetables
les pommes de terre- potatoes
les carottes- carrots
les haricots verts- green beans
les petits pois- peas
les épinards- spinach
les asperges- asparagus
le chou- cabbage
les choux de Bruxelles- brussels sprouts
le chou-fleur- cauliflower
les panais- parsnips
les poireaux- leeks
les champignons- mushrooms
les oignons- onions
les oignons de printemps- spring onions

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

Numbers in Polish: Learn Polish with me!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself Polish for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on Polish. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning Polish page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

zero (ze-ro)- 0
jeden (yeden)- 1
dwa (dva)- 2
trzy (t-shih)- 3
cztery (chte-rih)- 4
pięć (pyen ch)- 5
sześć (shesh ch)- 6
siedem (sh'ye-dem)- 7
osiem (o-sh'yem)- 8
dziewięć (dj'ye vyen ch)- 9
dziesięć (dj'ye sh'yen' ch)- 10
jedenaście (ye de nash ch ye)- 11
dwanaście (dva nash ch ye)- 12
trzynaście  (t shih nash ch ye)- 13
czternaście (chter nash ch ye)- 14
piętnaście (pyet nash ch ye)- 15
szesnaście (shes nash ch ye)- 16
siedemnaście (sh ye dem nash ch ye)- 17
osiemnaście (o sh'yem nash ch ye)- 18
dziewiętnaście (dj'ye vyet nash ch ye)- 19
dwadzieścia (dva dj yesh ch ya)- 20
dwadzieścia jeden- 21
trzydzieści (t shih dj yesh ch ee)- 30
czterdzieści (chter dj yesh ch ee)- 40
pięćdziesiąt (pyen dj ye sh'ont)- 50
sześćdziesiąt (shez dj ye sh'ont)- 60
siedemdziesiąt (sh'ye dem dj'ye sh'ont)- 70
osiemdziesiąt (o sh'yem dj'ye sh'ont)- 80
dziewięćdziesiąt (dj'ye vyen dj'ye sh'ont)- 90
sto (sto)- 100
dwieście (dvyesh ch ye)- 200
tryzsta (t shih sta)- 300
czterysta (chte rih sta)- 400
pięćset (pyen ch set)- 500
sześćset (shesh ch-set shey-set)- 600
siedemset (sh'ye dem-set)- 700
osiemset (o sh'yem set)- 800
dziewięćset (dj'ye vyen ch set)- 900
tysiąc (tih sh'yonts)- 1000

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

Animals in French: Learn French with me!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning French page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

animaux- animals
un animal- an animal

un chat- a cat
un chien- a dog
un lapin- a rabbit
un rat- a rat
une souris- a mouse
un hérisson- a hedgehog
un oiseau- a bird
un pigeon- a pigeon
un canari- a canary
un hibou- an owl
un perroquet- a parrot
un poisson- a fish
une vache- a cow
un cheval- a horse
un canard- a duck
un cochon- a pig
un poulet- a chicken
un coq- a rooster
une poule- a hen
une chèvre- a goat
un mouton- a sheep
un âne- a donkey
un renard- a fox
un loup- a wolf
un pingouin- a penguin
un écureuil- a squirrel
un dauphin- a dolphin
une baleine- a whale

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

Polish greetings: Learn Polish with me!

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself Polish for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on Polish. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning Polish page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

Saying hello
cześć- hi/ hello (informal)
dzień dobry- hello/good day/ good morning/ good afternoon (formal)
dobry wieczór- good evening

Saying goodbye
cześć- bye (informal)
do widzenia- goodbye (formal)
dobranoc- goodnight
pa, pa- bye bye (informal)
do jutra- see you tomorrow (informal)
do zobaczenia- see you later (formal/ informal)
trzymaj się- take care (informal)

Notes- don't ask how are you when greeting someone in Polish (unless they are friends or family and you haven't seen them in a while)

In informal situations, if you haven't seen someone in a long time you can ask:
co słychać?- how are things?
co nowego?- what's new?
co u ciebie?- what's new with you?

If you are asked co słychać?, you can reply with:
dziękuję, wszystko dobrze- fine, thank you 
dziękuję, wszystko w porzadku- everything is fine, thank you
nic nowego- nothing new
po staremu- much the same
a co u ciebie?- and how are you?

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

Animals in Polish

Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself Polish for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on Polish. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning Polish page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!

zwierzę- animal
pies- dog
kot- cat
mysz- mouse
ptak- bird
gołąb- pigeon
koń- horse
słoń- elephant
ryba- fish
lis- fox
kura- chicken
indyk- turkey
pingwin- penguin
wilk- wolf
koza- goat
owca- sheep
jagnię- lamb
krowa- cow
świnia- pig
lew- lion
wąż- snake
małpa- monkey
żyrafa- giraffe
krab- crab
homar- lobster
kaczka- duck
delfin- dolphin
wieloryb- whale
żaba- frog

If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!

Getting Through The Tough Times With Your Mental Health Intact

This is a collaborative post and it may contain affiliate links

There are many kinds of tough times that we are all going to go through in our lives, and it is great if we can be as well prepared for them as possible. The truth is that these rites of passage very often sideblind you out of nowhere, which can be quite a worrying situation to find yourself in much of the time. It is then prudent to try and get through those difficult times with your mental health intact, in whatever way you can manage to do that. In this post, we are going to take a look at some of the things you might want to consider when it comes to this.

6 Ways to Promote Your Business Offline

This is a collaborative post and it may contain affiliate links

Photo by Uriel Mont from Pexels

Today, everything has gone digital. But this doesn’t mean you can solely rely on social media presence to market your business. It’s no doubt online presence is essential, but offline strategies still play a vital role in promoting a business.

Promoting a business offline means marketing to the target audience using various methods they can feel, experience, and touch.

Here are effective offline marketing strategies you can practice.
Posters, Stickers and Banners

Banners and posters are ideal tools for promoting a business offline to prospects and customers. You can add a QR code to the banner for the clients to scan and get access to your website. Branded stickers are also cost-effective and fun to market your business.

Use them as giveaways or to customize your packaging. Stick a branded banner on the side of your business car, and you'll instantly create a stunning mobile ad for your company. 

The Water Dragon

The Water Dragon 

It was another windy chilly day on the coast of Cornwall
A boy no older than ten
To look between the rocks
Of a luscious sandy beach
Searching for mysteries
As yet unsolved
Looking for creatures
To behold
He spends an hour
Prodding the beings
Inside the pools
Then he sees something glowing
Between misshaped stones
An oval-shaped treasure
A strange looking egg
What’s it doing in the water?
The boy questioned in his head
Carefully, he picked it
Put it in his pockets
And off home he went
With a secret

When he was alone
He took out the egg
Placed it in front of the fireplace
Whilst his parents were in bed
It didn’t look like a chicken’s egg
And why would it be in water?
Maybe it fell off of a ship in the ocean?
The egg felt cold
Was it meant to be warm?
The boy kept the egg
In a bed made of straw

Three weeks passed
With not even a crack
The boy began to think it was empty
Then one evening
Whilst reading in his blanket
The boy heard a noise
From underneath his bed
Eagerly he looked
And pulled out the box
Peeking inside
At the egg he found by the shore
The boy gasped
It was finally time
A crack ripped the surface
Of his treasured find
The boy stared confounded
Watching the egg
As slowly more cracks appeared
The boy watched it instead of going to bed

It was nearly morning
The boy was falling asleep
When he heard a low roar
He opened his eyes
No one would believe
What the boy saw
On the floor by his bed
A slimy little creature
Scales on its arms
That looked more like wings
Pointy tiny ears
And a long tail
A spike on its end
Two nostrils
And two beady eyes
This certainly was one spectacular surprise
It looked like a dragon
But that could not be
Maybe the boy fell asleep
And began to dream
The boy rubbed his eyes
The creature remained
He pinched his arm
Nothing changed

Not knowing what to do
The boy did what you do
When you meet someone new
“Hello.” He whispered
The dragon let out a caw and stepped closer
Its feet tipped with claws
The boy put out his hand
Not knowing what to expect
He hoped for the best

The dragon tentatively moved closer
The boy felt its breath
Heat on his hand
The dragon edged towards the boy’s shaky hand
It gave a low rumbled and looked at his face
The boy smiled
“It’s ok. I won’t hurt you.” The boy assured the creature
The dragon reached out with it’s nose and nuzzled the boy’s finger
The boy giggled
And gently stroked
The little dragon’s head
“Where did you come from?” The boy questioned.
The dragon only roared
“I’d like to be friends.” Said the boy
The dragon again nuzzled his finger
“Is that a yes?” He asked
The dragon cawed
The boy laughed again
He’d made a friend
From hope and belief
He’d found something special
An adventure was about to begin

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