Hi everyone! There is this amazing website called Libro fm. You can access a massive range of audiobooks and every purchase supports independent book shops in the US but you don't have to be in the US to use it! They have a lot of audiobooks that aren't available from other services and they do some good with every purchase! Check out my referral link if you're interested!
How To Improve Your Business Performance
Starting your own business is an excellent way of earning income. However, depending on the business industry you are dealing with, there are several things you need to do to stay in line and to achieve great results.
Even though the most common business rules apply to all, some businesses end up failing, and the owners experience poor results. Because of this, your business should always stand out. How? You can improve your business performance using the following tips.
5 Tips to Help Your Business Stand Out
Online businesses are getting more competitive by the day, so your business must stand out from the crowd, to survive.
Here are 5 top tips to help your business gain a competitive edge and thrive in the 21st century.
#1 Nurture your existing customers
Brand loyalty is at an all-time low, meaning your customers are more than likely going to go somewhere else. It is always beneficial to look for new customers to bring into your business, but it is just important to nurture the ones you already have. Find new ways to serve them, keep them interested, and continue to give them value. Too often businesses are focusing on new deals for their new customers, they neglect their existing ones who are easier to nurture into repeat business. Stand out by rewarding customer loyalty.
Things To Consider When Emigrating
Moving to a different country is a big deal. It is incredibly exciting but it also requires a lot of careful planning, over a long period of time. Preparing to move can start months if not years in advance as there will be a lot of admin involved that doesn’t happen overnight. To help you prepare for a move overseas or to give you a better idea of what it entails here are some key considerations to bear in mind.
Many Brits often opt to move to the sunnier climes of the Spanish Costas or to set up shop in the South of France. A move like this can often be complicated by the language barrier. Making an attempt to learn the language will stand you in great stead when looking to socialise with locals and become part of a community. What is more, learning the language will be of huge benefit when it comes to the administrative aspects of moving. Whether looking to buy a house or arrange your utilities speaking the language, or at least being able to understand elements of the language will pay dividends. That said when it comes to official or important documents, such as legal contracts in relation to property purchases, if you do not speak the language confidently it is always worth using legal translation services to ensure you fully understand the paperwork and know exactly what you are signing.
Legal translation services may also be required when obtaining and reading entry documentation and requirements such as visas and their imposed conditions. Especially in a post-Brexit world.
Banish These 3 Things From Your Life For Better Mental Health
Negative self talk
First of all, if you want your mental health and reduce anxiety to improve then learning to recognize and disregard negative self-talk is vital.
Negative self-talk is one of those things that seems like it's coming from ‘us’ but is just another way of our brains trying to protect us from danger. The idea being that your brain warns you of things that could cause problems for you in your life. Unfortunately, most people don't realise that it's their brain trying to protect them, or that they don't have to believe everything it says. Oh, and very few understand that the brain can't tell the difference between bad behaviour and a bad person!
How To Make Working From Home More Manageable
It definitely seems to be the case that most of us are all working from home more at the moment. Maybe you’re going to be working from home for the foreseeable now? Or maybe you’re self-employed? It can be hard to adjust to and you may find that you get distracted easily or struggle to manage everything. But how you feel really matters and affects your productivity. So let’s take a look at how you can do this.
Stick To A Routine
For starters, one of the best things that you can do is to make sure that you have some kind of working routine. It can be hard to feel productive at home and when you’re not in the work environment hat you’re used to. So establishing a new sort of working from home routine can really help you to stay productive and make it work out for you.
I got a surprise book box and absolutely loved it + discount link!
Hi everyone! I recently got a surprise book box from A Box of Stories. They do boxes of 4 surprise books in different genres: young adult, crime, fantasy and sci-fi, historical fiction, light reads, mixed reads and fiction. I got the YA box and filmed an unboxing and try a chapter video over on my YouTube channel!
I was really impressed with the box, which is usually £20, with my referral link you can get £4 off so you get 4 books for around £16! Some of the boxes are £15 so with the discount they would be around £11! I think this is a really great deal for 4 brand new books. You can choose when you want to get the box and you can pause or cancel anytime.
If you want to see what books I got in my box, check out my unboxing and try a chapter video. I will also be uploading a reading vlog for some of the books!
I have been struggling with reading this year. I have been DNFing (not finishing) so many books. I haven't been enjoying most of the books that I have read and I have only found one new absolute favourite read so far this year (The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue). I have been filming reading vlogs so you can see some of the books I have been reading and my thoughts on them.
I was very excited to get my box and I was hoping that it would help me find some new hidden gems and potential favourites. The books are ones that have been recommended by readers but didn't necessarily become hyped. I recently took a break from reading for a little bit, I didn't feel interested in any book. Since getting the box, I have read two books and I am currently reading a third. There was one book that I don't want to read but I am still very happy to have 3 books that I have found interesting and I was actually motivated to read!
Additionally, the customer service of this company is brilliant. You can link to your Goodreads so they won't give you any books that you've already read and you can select two genres that you don't want to receive. You can also opt in to get newsletters. I would really recommend checking out A Box of Stories if you're looking to find some new under-rated reads! You can get £4 off your first box with my referral link. I will be posting regular unboxings and try a chapter videos for this box so please subscribe to my channel if you don't want to miss them!
Passé composé verbs in French- Learn French with me!
Use this tense to talk about things that were completed in the past. It includes an auxiliary verb of either avoir or être.
être- to be
j'ai été- I was
tu as été
il a été
nous avons été
vous avez été
ils ont été
avoir- to have
tu as eu
il a eu
nous avons eu
vous avez eu
ils ont eu- they had
faire- to do
tu as fait
il a fait
nous avons fait
vous avez fait
ils ont fait
aller- to go
tu es allé
il est allé
nous sommes allés
vous êtes allés
ils sont allés
vouloir- to want
j'ai voulu- I wanted
tu as voulu
il a voulu
nous avons voulu
vous avez voulu
ils ont voulu
Dates in Polish- Learn Polish with me!
Note: months and days in Polish do not have capital letters!
tydzień- week
dzień- day
weekend- weekend
Days of the week
poniedziałek- Monday
wtorek- Tuesday
środa- Wednesday
czwartek- Thursday
piÄ…tek- Friday
sobota- Saturday
niedziela- Sunday
w poniedziałek- on Monday
we wtorek- on Tuesday
The rest of the days use w
w weekend- at the weekend
w poniedziałki- on Mondays
we wtorki- on Tuesdays
w środy- on Wednesdays
w czwartki- on Thursdays
w piÄ…tki- on Fridays
w soboty- on Saturdays
w niedziele- on Sundays
w weekendy- at weekendsw
Times of day
ranek- morning
przedpołudnie- before noon
południe- noon
popołudnie- afternoon
wieczór- evening
noc- night
północ- midnight
styczeń- January
luty- February
marzec- March
kwiecień- April
maj- May
czerwiec- June
lipiec- July
sierpień- August
wrzesień- September
październik- October
listopad- November
grudzień- December
wiosna- Spring
lato- Summer
jesień- Autumn
zima- Winter
Greetings in French- Learn French with me!
Hi everyone! I've been trying to teach myself French for a while and I thought it would be fun to create some blog posts as I go along to help myself study so I will be doing regular posts on French. If you'd like to see all of my posts check out my learning French page. Please note this is not a study guide, if I make any mistakes please let me know!
bonjour- hello/good morning/good daysalut- hi/bye (informal)
À toute à l'heure- see you later (same day)
À plus tard- see you later
À demain- see you tomorrow
bonne journée- have a good day (goodbye)
bonne soirée- have a good evening (when the person has plans)
If you liked this post, you might like to check out my YouTube channel where I vlog about what I'm up to!