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Lucy Turns Pages

Mental health art roundup 3

Hi everyone! I started an art page on my blog called the Corner of Positivity, this is a page where I am regularly uploading art and illustrated quotes that for me represent mental health and chronic illness. You can view the page here. I thought I'd start doing roundups where I display sections of the art to keep people updated in case you don't regularly check the page. Please feel free to bookmark the page if you'd like to. See roundup 2 here.

Roundup #3

If you'd like to support my content, you can use my Amazon affiliate links when you shop! 
I also have a wishlist for shopping if you would like to check that out. Thank you for any and all support!

Mental Health Art Roundup 2

Hi everyone! I started an art page on my blog called the Corner of Positivity, this is a page where I am regularly uploading art and illustrated quotes that for me represent mental health and chronic illness. You can view the page here. I thought I'd start doing roundups where I display sections of the art to keep people updated in case you don't regularly check the page. Please feel free to bookmark the page if you'd like to. See roundup 1 here.

Roundup #2

If you'd like to support my content, you can use my Amazon affiliate links when you shop! 
I also have a wishlist for shopping if you would like to check that out. Thank you for any and all support!

10 Nintendo Switch Games I'm Excited For!

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Nintendo Switch games I'm excited for (let me know if you've played any of these or want to!):

1. Pokemon Legends of Arceus

Corner of Positivity: Art Roundup 1

Hi everyone! I started an art page on my blog called the Corner of Positivity, this is a page where I am regularly uploading art and illustrated quotes that for me represent mental health and chronic illness. You can view the page here. I thought I'd start doing roundups where I display sections of the art to keep people updated in case you don't regularly check the page. Please feel free to bookmark the page if you'd like to or follow my art Instagram to keep updated.

Roundup #1

Booktube Roundup 1

Hello! So I started making book videos on YouTube towards the end of last year and I wanted to start sharing them over here on my blog. Most of my bookish content is now on YouTube and I'm really enjoying making videos about books. I have some exciting new content coming soon. Some of the videos I will be sharing in these posts are old videos and the quality has since massively improved so please bear that in mind if you watch the older videos! 

The first video I shared was my booktube newbie tag video, a staple video on YouTube where people that are new to making book videos say hello and talk about what kind of videos they would like to make. This video is probably the worst in terms of picture quality but possibly the best in terms of views which I find quite funny!

I then made a video talking about the best books that I read in 2020. I love this video because I talk about some great new reads that I discovered and I love talking about books I love! I then posted an opposite kind of video where I spoke about books that disappointed me in 2020. So far in 2021 I have had a lot of these unfortunately!

My next video was a reading vlog where I started The Final Empire by Brandon Sanderson, the first book in the Mistborn series which I ended up really enjoying and I would highly recommend if you want to read some adult fantasy. 

Next up I made a video about 21 books I wanted to read in 2021! I'm really interested in going back to this video to see how many of the books I've read so far this year! Then we have the traditional bookshelf scavenger hunt video where I looked for books on my bookshelves that suited prompts given to me by people online! I like these types of videos because you get to talk about books you might not necessarily talk about in other videos.

I also created an original tag during this month which was where I matched books to some popular Christmas songs. If you're looking for content to create around Christmas (or you just like Christmas content) please feel free to check it out.

That's all for my first booktube roundup! If you'd like to watch all of my videos, here is my video page. Do you make book videos or watch them? I'd love to know.

Five Ways To Store Books When You Have No Space

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The most obvious way to store books when you have no space is to get an e-reader. These can be a great option for making sure you always have something to dip into. Very few book lovers, however, would want to give up paper books completely. With that in mind, therefore, here are five ways to store books when you have no space.

Make customized shelving

If you buy ready-made shelving, the chances are you’ll be stuck with squares and rectangles. If, however, you make your own shelving, it can be whatever shape and size you want. Making and fitting shelves can be done with few skills and fewer tools. You just need a decent timber merchant for the wood.

If you’re worried filling up your home with shelves will make it look cluttered, then you can relax. Firstly, you’ll probably be clearing piles of books from random places. This alone can help to make your home look more spacious. Secondly, books are good to look at. They create a feeling of cosiness. That’s why you can get wallpaper which looks like shelves of books.

Turn picture ledges into bookshelves

This is essentially a twist on the previous tip. It can, however, allow you to make use of really narrow spaces. Usually, the best approach is to choose your slimmest books with the most attractive covers. Essentially, you’re creating a gallery wall of books while keeping them accessible to read. This can work really well in hallways.

Use bookshelves as room dividers

This one is particularly helpful in studios. It can also be very useful in houses which need to have multifunctional rooms. That’s pretty much all of them these days. You need to choose your bookshelves with care and make sure they have appropriate support. With that taken care of, however, bookshelves can be an effective and convenient way to zone a space.

Once they are filled, bookshelves provide both privacy and soundproofing. At the same time, however, the gaps between the books and the top of the shelf above help to keep a sense of openness. What’s more, the books act as decor so the overall effect is softer than using a solid divider like a wall or curtain.

Hit the floor

Slide books under your furniture. If your furniture pieces are low to the ground, put the books on their sides. You may find it best to use a tray with low edges or even a picture frame. This can make it more convenient to get them in and out. If you have more space under the seat, then you can literally use the floor like a bookshelf. This can work very well under beds.

Turn books into furniture

Obviously, you need to be a bit careful with this but it can solve two problems at once. If you stack your books carefully, you can use them as tables. Generally, small stacks work best and you would use them as side-tables. You might want to put a tray on top (or at least some coasters) to protect your books.

Dealing With Grief: 5 Ways That Help When You’ve Lost a Loved One

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The experience of mourning the loss of a loved one like a family member or close friend is something you wouldn’t want to wish on your worst enemy. It’s something that everyone must deal with at some stage.

Grief can affect people in all kinds of ways, and if you’re already battling mental health problems, it can affect you more deeply than other people. The following are some practical concepts to bear in mind when coping with the loss of a loved one:

1. Don’t Handle the Arrangements Alone

If you’re grieving for the loss of a parent or another close family member, for example, don’t feel you have to sort the arrangements out yourself. For instance, when it comes to funerals, you can ask a funeral director to take care of all the details on your behalf.

They can organise things like setting up the funeral, organising flowers and even contacting relatives and friends on your behalf.

2. Don’t Give Yourself a Grief Time Limit

It doesn’t matter how long it takes to experience the loss of a loved one. You should never force upon yourself a grief time limit. There’s no single answer on how long it takes to deal with grief or even how you should be feeling.

3. It’s Good to Talk

You will undoubtedly have lots of unanswered questions that you wanted to ask your loved one. Plus, you may be experiencing confusing, frustrating, or other types of feelings and emotions since you learned of your loved one’s passing.

Don’t feel like you have to keep everything bottled up. It’s always good to talk about how you feel or any thoughts that are in your mind related to your loved one.

Some might find it easier to talk to a therapist, whereas others prefer to seek comfort by speaking with family members and close friends.

4. Take Care of Yourself

As cruel as it might seem, life still goes on even with the passing of someone dear to you. With that in mind, you still need to continue with your daily routines as much as possible and not neglect your personal health and wellbeing.

What that means is, you should ensure that you get plenty of sleep each night, eat a healthy, balanced diet and exercise where possible. Taking care of yourself doesn’t just ensure you stay in good physical health; it also helps your mental health.

5. Share Happy Memories With Others

Lastly, you’ll likely have tonnes of happy memories that included your loved one. Talking to family members and close friends about those memories can help you keep your loved one’s memory alive and help celebrate the good times you’ve had together.

You could also do something that helps you remember those happy memories, such as having a photo framed or printed of you both from a happy occasion in the past.

Hopefully, this article will have given you some ideas on how you can make dealing with grief a little easier. Thank you for reading it today.

What Is On Offer For Students In Terms Of Accommodation

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Find a room mate options seem to be everywhere, especially when you’re a student. However, despite all the choice that is apparently at your fingertips, there is a great difference between finding a room to rent, and finding the right room to rent. Every person is an individual and so the process of melding together lives to cohabit can be a tricky one. As students, it’s expected that you rent a room in a shared house or apartment to lower your costs while you study. However, there are certain tips and tricks you can use to ensure that you find the right place to live and people to live with. Read on to discover more about them.

Locate Your Best Rent A Room Options Online

It may seem counterproductive to say that you can find the best student accommodation options online. After all, isn’t it better to see something in person? Of course, you do need to experience a room before you agree to rent it, but first impressions matter and first impressions can be made online. When you’re browsing websites to find a roommate in a shared house anywhere in the country, there are always a few things that jump out at you.

Firstly, is the person seeking a roommate a student too, or are they an older person looking to rent out a room to a student? Both are acceptable options, but you may have a preference as to who you want to live with. Similarly, some adverts to find a roommate in student accommodation are specific about what level of study the person is at. If they’re a postgrad, for instance, it’s unlikely that they’ll be keen to live with an undergrad in their second year more interested in partying than study. The best way to find a roommate who suits your lifestyle is to read ads carefully, paying as much attention to the people you’ll be living with as the place itself. Then, when you visit the property, do the same thing. Ultimately, a shared house or apartment can only be successful if everyone in the property has the same expectations. As a student, you’ll have plenty of options when it comes to arranging your accommodation, so ensure that you look at plenty of ads online first.

The Best Way To Find A Room For Rent

The best way to find a room for rent is something you are no doubt interested to know if you are currently looking for a place to stay. There are many options available nowadays, from asking friends and family members to looking in local newspapers. However, nothing beats conducting your search on the Internet.

It is always best to find a room for rent online. This is because you are going to have more rooms to choose from, and you will have all of the time in the world to make your decision. Nowadays, most landlords don’t advertise in newspapers, so there will only be a very, very limited selection on display. Of course, another option is to go to a letting agency. But, their fees are often astronomical, and the process can get dragged out with a middleman involved. This is why using the Internet is the best approach.

You can search through numerous websites, ensuring you have the greatest assortment of rooms to choose from. You can also take the time to look at the photographs and compare rooms against one and other, while also getting numerous quotes so you can get a good idea regarding the average cost of a room in the area in question. You will be better equipped to come to the best decision for you, and you won’t feel pushed into going down a certain route. It is definitely the best way to find a place you are happy with.

What To Look For In A Student Accommodation Website

One of the most important things to consider when choosing a rent a room website is its payment terms. The last thing you want to do is end up spending a fortune in the form of commission. Find a company that has favourable payment terms; some may even give you the option to advertise your room for free.

Aside from this, you should do a bit of research to make sure the company has a good reputation. Read comments that have been left by people that have used the website to find a roommate before. This will either fill you with confidence or alert you to red flags that indicate you should look elsewhere. You also want a website that is going to give you the ability to publish your room immediately. Every minute your room is empty is a minute you are missing out on money. You don’t want to be waiting for days and even weeks for the website to publish the room listing. You should also be able to vet tenants yourself, so you can make sure they are right for you.

Letting A Room? How To Find A Roommate

If you occupy a shared house and need to find a roommate, there are websites you can advertise on, some of which are free. However, as you’ll no doubt be aware, trying to find a good roommate can be a minefield. One basic rule is that the better the quality of the ad, the more appropriate the applicants that answer it. That’s why general advice for letting a room out always includes having a good quality advert. When you’re looking at how to find a roommate, especially if you’re a student, you need to be clear on what you can and can’t cope with. If you’re a non-smoking household a smoker may be a red line for you. If you need students who are dedicated to their studies and are not going to cause too much mess, then make that clear.

When you place ads for a room, ensure too that you place them on sites that are going to attract the best applicants. Some websites, especially some free ones, have listings for all sorts of things and this hodgepodge can create something of a lottery when it comes to finding a roommate. If you’re looking at advertising online for your roommate, it’s far better to choose a website that is committed to only renting out rooms and other forms of space.

Ready To Write Your Room Ad?

So, if you are ready to put your advert together, where do you start? The first thing you need to do is get your images ready if you are to rent a room out, and you will need to choose a main image, which is going to be the thumbnail that appears on the website listing. This image needs to catch the user’s eye so that they click on the advert. Your image is so important because this will determine whether people find out more about your room or not. So, make sure you include images of common areas, including interior shots of your property, upload more than one image, avoid any images that show too many small details, and ensure that all photos are bright and eye-catching.

The next step when you advertise a room for rent is to put together an appealing title. This is a way to spur interest in your ad, so you need to be creative and ensure it stands out from other adverts. The third and final step is describing your property in detail. You need to show potential tenants why your room is a good pick. Avoid using long-winded sentences; be clear, concise but comprehensive. Don’t leave out any important details and list all key features.

Things You Should Not Leave Out Of Your Advert

If someone is looking to rent a room out, one thing they will certainly want to know is whether the household is smoking one. A lot of non-smokers won’t want to live in a house with someone that smokes. You may think that the best thing to do is simply disguise this in order to get more interested tenants. But, when someone comes for a viewing, they will only be annoyed that you have wasted their time. Another thing you need to include when you advertise a room for rent is to state the location of the room, i.e. is it on the ground floor or the first floor.

Next, make sure you advertise your spare room as a house share. No one looking for a one-bedroom flat wants a bedroom in a house share; so don’t try to blur the lines in order to tempt more people. Be honest and upfront about what you are offering, and make sure you are advertising in the right places, i.e. websites that specialise in room rentals, not property rentals. Finally, you will be amazed by how many people don’t say whether the room is furnished or unfurnished – don’t leave this out.

Get audiobooks and support independent book shops!

Hi everyone! There is this amazing website called Libro fm. You can access a massive range of audiobooks and every purchase supports independent book shops in the US but you don't have to be in the US to use it! They have a lot of audiobooks that aren't available from other services and they do some good with every purchase! Check out my referral link if you're interested!

How To Improve Your Business Performance

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Starting your own business is an excellent way of earning income. However, depending on the business industry you are dealing with, there are several things you need to do to stay in line and to achieve great results.

Even though the most common business rules apply to all, some businesses end up failing, and the owners experience poor results. Because of this, your business should always stand out. How? You can improve your business performance using the following tips.

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