For the last eighteen months or so, many people were focused on simply keeping their head above water instead of progressing. This isn’t anything that needs to be forgiven, because it’s totally understandable that a global pandemic would have this kind of effect, and we perhaps haven’t fully assessed the damage that this has caused to peoples’ lives.
Even if you’ve made it through somewhat okay, odds are, you feel quite deflated. Lockdowns and trying to be mindful of everywhere you go and every action you take can do that to you. Is it any wonder, then, why so many people feel lethargic even after society and opportunities begin to open back up? Remotivating yourself for personal development, then, could be just what the doctor ordered.
But how can you motivate yourself when you don’t have the motivation to be productive? Well, there are no ‘hidden tricks’ that can make the entire process easy for you, but it is true that remotivating yourself can be a worthwhile enterprise if you stick to the following advice: