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Lucy Turns Pages

How To Create The Most Functional Home Office

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With big businesses around the globe realising the many benefits that can come with remote working, there's never been such a large number of staff completing their shifts from the comfort of their home. However, though this change may have brought about benefits for business owners such as a dramatic cut in office rent, it can also encourage further struggles for the employees themselves who may not have access to the right equipment or environment to work from home productively. Maintaining a functional home office space is a key feature of a successful remote shift, and fortunately this doesn't have to be as difficult as you might expect to achieve. So, if you're interested in finding out more about how you can upgrade your home office for the benefit of your workflow, then simply read on to uncover some of the best tips and tricks that you can make the most of now!

Summer Readng Vlog! Featuring Cooking & Being Outside

Hi everyone! I make book videos and vlogs on YouTube and I thought I'd share some of my videos on my blog. Here is my summer reading vlog, featuring cooking and being outside! I hope that you'll enjoy it!

Remotivating Yourself For Personal Development After A Pandemic

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For the last eighteen months or so, many people were focused on simply keeping their head above water instead of progressing. This isn’t anything that needs to be forgiven, because it’s totally understandable that a global pandemic would have this kind of effect, and we perhaps haven’t fully assessed the damage that this has caused to peoples’ lives.

Even if you’ve made it through somewhat okay, odds are, you feel quite deflated. Lockdowns and trying to be mindful of everywhere you go and every action you take can do that to you. Is it any wonder, then, why so many people feel lethargic even after society and opportunities begin to open back up? Remotivating yourself for personal development, then, could be just what the doctor ordered.

But how can you motivate yourself when you don’t have the motivation to be productive? Well, there are no ‘hidden tricks’ that can make the entire process easy for you, but it is true that remotivating yourself can be a worthwhile enterprise if you stick to the following advice:

On a YouTube journey

Hi everyone! So as most of you may know, I make book videos and vlogs featuring books, cooking and games over on YouTube. I had previously started a channel but annoyingly deleted it! I finally gained the courage to start again last year and I am so glad that I started. 

YouTube has been a positive thing for me to focus on and it has helped me when dealing with my mental health. I love making videos and talking to people in the comments! I have so many new ideas and I can't wait to work on my new video plans! 

My dream goal was to reach 1000 subscribers by the end of this year. Please feel free to check out my channel and subscribe if you'd like to! I am soon going to be sharing 2 videos a week. These will include vlogs, books I plan to read, talking about books I've read and silent read with me videos with intros and outros. I am so excited for my new content and I hope that you'll all enjoy it too!

I've tried some different genres this year but I have decided to mainly go back to fantasy which is my favourite so my channel will be mostly focussed on fantasy books from September!

I also made a playlist of all of my videos which I will be regularly updating and adding to. I don't feel comfortable making live videos because anxiety but it's very difficult to get enough watch hours through normal videos. It would be really great if you could watch this playlist and put it on in the background sometimes if possible. Thank you for any and all support! 

My channel really means so much to me and I would love to see it grow and become a great little community for everyone to talk and hang out! My dream for years used to be to become a published author, I have since decided that I would love to create bookish content instead through YouTube so any support with this dream is greatly appreciated.

Thank you for reading! Let me know if you watch book videos in the comments below.

Mental health book recommendations (fiction & non-fiction)

Hi everyone! I make book videos and vlogs on YouTube and I thought I'd share some of my videos on my blog. I recently created a video sharing mental health book recommendations, both fiction and non-fiction. Please let me know if you have any recommendations! You can check out the video here.

500 subscribers celebration!!

Hi everyone! So as most of you probably know, I started posting on YouTube last year! I make book videos and vlogs that feature books, cooking and games. Today I am here to say thank you so much for 500 subscribers!! I love making videos and talking to everyone in the comments and I wouldn't be here without the support of the amazing community, especially on Twitter

I have so many upcoming videos planned that I am so excited to create and I can't wait to work more on my channel and to talk to more people about books! If you're not subscribed, you can check out my channel here. I also have a playlist of all of my videos if you'd like to check that out and play it whilst you do other things! 

Thank you again for watching my videos, sharing my videos, cheering me on and commenting. It really means so much and I can't wait for the future of this channel. 

Free fantasy audiobooks on Audible UK

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Hello! So I have a page on where to get audiobooks, including free ones, as well as a page listing some of the books available on Audible UK and US,  including the free books now available when you sign up for a 30 day free trial or take a 1 credit a month membership (UK-US)! In this post, I will be sharing some of the fantasy audiobooks available on Audible UK for free.

Free fantasy audiobooks on the Plus catalogue


Have you read any of these books?

I will be adding to the page often so please let me know if you have any recommendations for me to add! You can check out Audible here (UK-US). If you would like to see me talking about books, check out my YouTube channel where I post book videos and vlogs featuring books, cooking and games.

The Business Benefits of Taking Good Care of Your Employees

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You will very quickly realise when you run a business that those people who work alongside you, no matter how big or small your team is, are the best asset your company has.

They are often the life force of your business, and they are the ones who will make sure that things go right, especially during those tricky times when you need the support.

This means that you need to do whatever you can to take care of your employees as a business owner. There are a variety of ways that you can do this, of course. You could offer staff members benefits and well-being perks; you can reward hard work, innovative ideas, and high performance; you can ensure that your workplace and working methods are safe with the help of good health and safety consultants; you could ensure staff are properly rewarded for their efforts - and that’s just for starters, but why should you bother at all?

Here are some of the key business benefits for you to keep in mind.

The books I read in July!

Hi everyone! I make book videos and vlogs on YouTube and I thought I'd share some of my videos on my blog. If you'd like to find out what I read in July, check out my July wrap up here.

The best way to increase blog traffic

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So I have been blogging for a while and I have tried different sources of traffic but the best one that I have found so far is Pinterest! Now I know you've probably heard about Pinterest or even tried it. It is a notoriously difficult platform to crack but with the right tools, time and energy, it is possible to explode your blog traffic through Pinterest. 

The tool I'm talking about is a Pinterest guide that I started using last year. I am still getting traffic from pins I made over a year ago using this guide! And I know that if I had kept making pins and had the time and energy to keep making them regularly, I would probably have a lot more traffic now. I know bloggers who have been able to join Mediavine advertising due to getting massive traffic through Pinterest. 

I highly highly recommend this guide as it goes through everything you need to know to get way more clicks on your pins and to be picked up by the Pinterest algorithm.
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