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Top Five Stressful Situations In Life

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If there is one thing that will intrude on your personal peace, it’s stress. Life is packed with stressors and you have to know all about them so that you can identify the things that stress you out the most. It’s something that seeps in and intrudes on your peace, and it’s not something you have to listen to if you don't want to. If you have ever owned your own house, you know what it means to feel stress - especially if you ever lose your job.

Stress makes you feel weak even when you’re not. It makes you feel out of control when you really need to be in control. You need to be able to depend on yourself and you have to be able to spot when things are going to be stressful. Once you can identify these issues, you can feel safer and more secure. As you get older, you will experience things in your life that’ll make you feel more stressed than you expect, and below, we’ve got the top five stressors in life.

  1. Death. Of a friend, of a relative, of a partner - death causes all kinds of grief and stress, and while death is a part of life, it’s not one that you ever want to have to think about. Stress is involved in the death of the people around you and you can get some help from others if you want to ensure that you get through the grief in one piece. Instead of feeling constantly stressed, you’ll feel supported.
  2. Divorce. While you might be able to alleviate some of the stress of divorce with the help and support of mediation, you need to remember that splitting up from a partner is stressful. Having an ex-spouse is stressful, managing the children between two homes is stressful. Understanding how you can get through divorce in one piece is important and you can reduce your stress, too.
  3. Moving house. If you are moving from one place to another, you’re going to feel that stress. Disruption of your routine causes a lot of stress, and it’s a pain to deal with. You can outsource your move to packers and movers, though, which can help you to relieve your stress and you can avoid any of it as much as possible. You don't have to lift a finger if you don't want to!
  4. Illness. If you’re not covered correctly, the cost of illness can be as stressful as the illness itself. Any major illness is a stressor in life and it takes a physical and emotional toll on your body. It can also have a financial impact on your life, too.
  5. Job loss. You need a job to live, to pay the bills and to feel as if you are worth something. If you lose your job, you’re going to need to find another quickly so that you can meet all of your other commitments. Job loss causes stress, and you don't need that stress in your life.

Book Spotlight: Over the Broad Earth: A Novel from the Saga of Fallen Leaves By J.L. Feuerstack, Illustrated by Alana Tedmon


Title: Over the Broad Earth: A Novel from the Saga of Fallen Leaves
Author: J.L. Feuerstack
Illustrator: Alana Tedmon
Genre: Historical Fantasy
Available on: Amazon.co.uk / Amazon.com


Over the Broad Earth presents a sweeping fantasy tale of the eternal struggle between Angels and Demons. This imaginative tale tracks the continuing contest of two Celestial brothers, God and Satan, who, by ancient decree, can only unleash their sibling rivalry when human beings engage in combat. 

The citizens of both Heaven and Hell endure all the emotions and circumstances of the humans they routinely inhabit, love, valor, passion, treachery, bravery, and heartache. Readers will follow the exploits of two of the greatest "eternal" warriors of the ages: Lord Zinc II (Heaven) and Schizophrenia "Schitz" Incenderos Nervosa (Hell). The rivals battle one another throughout history from the struggle between the Babylonians and Assyrians in the desert through and beyond the teeming jungles of Southeast Asia. 

Along the way, these intrepid fighters interact with a host of characters (Moses, Alexander the Great, Napoleon, and more), friends, fiends, and lovers. Displaying the same traits of compassion and selfishness known to all of Creation, Schitz and Zinc lead their soldiers - and try to stay alive.

Book Spotlight: Alexander Lee To The Rescue and Tag With Jazz, a double feature by Laura Austin


Title: Alexander Lee To The Rescue and Tag With Jazz, a double feature
Author: Laura Austin
Available on: Amazon.co.uk / Amazon.com


Alexander Lee finds an orca in trouble, but sharks and orcas don't get along. Should he help, or back away?

Alexander Lee wants to play! He finds a new friend and has fun, but runs into an unexpected problem.

Author bio:

Laura has another Alexander Lee title available, Alexander Lee And The Sunken Ship. She also writes poetry and short fiction. She can be found on Twitter @kyhorrorstory.

Not feeling well, don't know why

I'm writing a personal post today. I don't tend to talk about my health issues here but it's got to a point where I am feeling really physically unwell. People on Twitter have been so supportive and I really appreciate that. 

I deal with mental health on a daily basis and some other health issues. For quite a while I have been getting these symptoms that I thought were just down to being an adult and working. I would get times where my symptoms were worse and I felt quite sick but I didn't connect the dots until just recently. I thought it was normal to feel how I was feeling almost every day. 

Then I injured my wrist and I had to rest it. After a while, my other wrist began hurting and the symptoms I usually deal with got gradually worse, even though I was resting more. It's got to the point where at the moment I feel very unwell every day. I'm currently waiting for answers but with something like this, it can take a very long time to get any diagnosis or treatment. 

This has taken a toll on my mental and emotional health and I am trying to work out how best to navigate life with needing to rest for so much of the day. I've got to the stage where I am so bored of just laying down! 

I'm trying to find ways to help manage my symptoms and to try to distract myself. 

I was really enjoying reading physical books again but unfortunately I can't read much at the moment so I am trying audiobooks again. 

A lot of people have said to be kind to myself, that some days will be better than others and to try to prioritise things to use any 'spoons' I have. I'm currently trying to work out what I need to prioritise and what I need to let go of. 

This whole situation is really hard but I wanted to write about it. One, for a cathartic outlet and two, to help others feel less alone.

If you are currently going through something similar, it will be ok. 

Thank you so much to everyone who has helped me.

Book Spotlight: The Last Magus: A Clockwork Heart by Mark Piggott


Title: The Last Magus: A Clockwork Heart
Author: Mark Piggott
Available on: Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk
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2021 Firebird Book Award winner for Steampunk MAGUS

The Magus were the protectors of magic, armed with a magic caster’s power and the strength of a warrior. They were able to summon various magical weapons from specialized caches they wore as an armored pauldron known as an Armory of Attlain. They were legendary among the people of Attlain, until the Magus Rebellion. When a few Magus decided they should lead the people instead of protecting them, they rebelled; but the insurrection ended from within the Magus ranks. However, the rebellion already did the damage. The Magus were cast out, feared, and outlawed except for those few who remained loyal to the crown and lived as adventurers. For generations, they had all but disappeared from the landscape of Attlain. 

Marcus Gideon awoke at the crossroads outside the border town of Armändis. Lost, with no memory of his past life, he was left for dead by brigands… Stabbed through the heart. His life was saved by a blacksmith’s kindness who replaced his damaged heart with a mechanical, magical miracle—a clockwork heart. The gears turned, the motor spun, and his heart was beating again, powered by his magical energy. 

Gideon was alive, but his savior was no ordinary blacksmith. Henry Botàn was a Magus, hiding out in Armändis to protect the weapons within his magical armory. The swords, spears, and other-worldly artifacts were potent in their rights, some cursed and even forbidden to wield. His responsibility was to protect these weapons from falling into the wrong hands, but he was old and past his prime.He needed an apprentice, and Marcus Gideon may be the one he waited all these years. Now begins a new adventure, as Gideon searches for clues to his past, looking ahead toward his future in Attlain as THE LAST MAGUS.

Author bio:

Mark Piggott, a native of Phillipsburg, N.J., enlisted in the U.S. Navy in 1982, beginning a 23-year career.

He served on four aircraft carriers and various duty stations as a Navy Journalist before he attained the rank of Chief Petty Officer. He retired from active duty in 2006.

His first novel, Forever Avalon, was published in 2009, followed by his second novel, The Dark Tides, in 2014. The Outlander War, Book Three of the Forever Avalon series from Austin Macauley Publishing, was released in 2020. He is currently working on the fourth book in the Forever Avalon series, The Prometheus Engine, and a new fantasy/adventure series, The Last Magus.

His short story, Demonfall, was one of ten stories published in The Publishing Room fantasy anthology, Of Distant Worlds.

His short story, Corsair and the Sky Pirates,won the Crystal Peake Publishing “Steampunk Writing Contest” and will be published in a steampunk anthology in 2021.

He and his wife, Georgiene, live in Alexandria, Virginia. They have three children.

Book Spotlight: Angus: the Little White Fluffy Cloud Who Fell in Love with the Sun by Lesley Cordell


Book Title: Angus: the Little White Fluffy Cloud Who Fell in Love with the Sun
Author: Lesley Cordell
Genre: Children's book
Available on: Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk

"A super cute & clever children’s story book with wonderful illustrations. Educational & Entertaining. A lovely story that introduces aspects of primary school science, geography & PHSE curriculum."


A charming story of friendship with a lot of interesting learning along the way. An introduction to the earth's water cycle, rainbow and cloud formation.

Author bio:

Lesley is an author of illustrated books for children. Follow Lesley on Twitter @CordellLesley

Book Spotlight: My Life My Story My Journey & A Tall Tale (A TALL-TAIL Book 1) by R. B. K.

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Title: My Life My Story My Journey & A Tall Tale (A TALL-TAIL Book 1)
Author: R. B. K.
Genre: Memoir
Available on: Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk
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Dark Night Of The Soul, Spirituality, Ascension. These were all new concepts to KR. A whole new world had opened up to him. Willing to explore this new world, KR embraced the future with an open mind. And then there was Theresa, the catalyst that awakened him, sending him on a quest for answers that led him to a juncture of two paths, where anything could be manifested. Remembering her last words: "I'll see you soon."

An authentic love story that has endured the test of time. An original memoir from award winning Author R.B.K. Authentic raw and real. Written in real time. 

Check out reviews of the book:

How a U.S. Holiday Could Inspire Your Next Book

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As much as people dream about writing a book, few actually take the plunge to do so. Those that try often find that it’s more complicated than they thought it’d be. There’s a reason people call it a craft, after all.

One of the main things that can get in the way is a lack of inspiration. While some people have a broad enough imagination that this isn’t an issue, others need something from the real world to help them along.

If you fall into the latter category, then you mightn’t know what to do. As it turns out, there are multiple ways that you can do so. If you’re in a position to, going on a holiday may be the perfect approach, especially if you choose the right place.

One of the best places to consider doing this is America. While you’ll need to think of the requirements for ESTAs and other things, it could be a worthwhile option. If you’re not convinced of this, there are multiple reasons why you should think about it.

Burnout: How To Spot It, How To Stop It

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The last few years have been, by any standards, a bit much for most people. As we entered 2020, we had absolutely no idea what lay in wait. Since then, we’ve had a crash course in dealing with adverse events and, for many of us, that’s come alongside continuing to do our jobs, whether from home or in the workplace. And so it won’t be a huge surprise if you’re feeling some of the symptoms of burnout right now. But how can you tell if you have burnout, and what should you do if you suspect it to be the case?

Book Spotlight: Soul Tempest by Stuart Greystone


Book Title: Soul Tempest
Author: Stuart Greystone
Genre: YA Contemporary Fantasy
Available on: Amazon.com / Amazon.co.uk
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In the space of a single day, Axel Knight accidentally freezes his school, punches a monster (badly), then watches a mysterious police officer annihilate that monster with a snap of his fingers.

As weird days go, that was only the beginning.

Now a recruit in the Otherworld Police Department, Axel soon finds this new world has everything he’s ever wanted: swords, true companions, mythical creatures, big fireballs…and a league of soul-powered warriors, sworn to protect the innocent.

The problem? Axel’s ‘powers’ come in only one fiery flavour: chaotic destruction, with no hope of control. As Axel desperately fights to earn his place at the academy (and not explode his friends), a wave of strange monster attacks sweeps the globe, and the Otherworld’s most feared crime lord plans to steal a power greater than any other…
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