Darcy R. Keim
Darcy is a Medievalist/Early-Modernist with a Bachelors (Medieval History) and
Masters (History) degree from the University of Winchester. Her focus is Royal
Studies (particularly Queenship and Female Aristocracy). On the side of this
she is a poet and chronic illness awareness advocate. Her websites include “The Historian
Circle”, where a variety of history specialists share their research; as well
as her more personal “Darcy is a Bipolar” blog, where she uploads
The Historian Circle: https://thehistoriancircle.blogspot.com/
“Darcy is a Bipolar”: https://darcyisabipolar.wordpress.com/
Guest Post: How does Lewis Carroll portray a transition from childhood to adolescence in ‘Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland’ and ‘Through The Looking Glass’? by Darcy R. Keim
Non-Fiction Books to Read!
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I love books, I read a lot of fiction but I also have an interest in psychology, mental health and biology, especially genetics. So here are some non-fiction books in those realms that I am interested in picking up. Let me know if you've read any of these or if you would like to and any recommendations you have for me!
Immune: A gorgeously illustrated deep dive into the immune systemSurrounded by Idiots
The synopsis of Surrounded by Idiots sounds fascinating. This book is all about why we don't get on with certain people. I'm really interested in finding out what this author has to say.
The Mind-Gut Connection: How the Hidden Conversation Within Our Bodies Impacts Our Mood, Our Choices, and Our Overall Health
Metazoa: Animal Minds and the Birth of Consciousness
Waterstones black Friday deals- half price off!
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Most of us love to get a good deal on the things we buy and if you are here, you may very well love books as much as I do! Well, Waterstones have started their black Friday deals with 50% off a range of books! Waterstones is one of my favourite bookshops and I am an affiliate with them which is still so amazing to me. So I thought I'd share some of the books that are on sale (just click a cover to go to the Waterstones page for it). You can also use my link to see all of the books on sale.
On the wait for answers and what's next?
Hi everyone. So as you might know, I have been dealing with ongoing debilitating symptoms that could be a chronic health condition. It seems that I might have to wait longer for answers than I had anticipated which is frustrating and upsetting. I am seeing if there is anything else I can do but in the meantime- if this is something chronic I know that reducing stress and anxiety is important in any treatment plan so I am going to try to rest and relax as much as I can.
As the future is uncertain, I have been thinking of contingency plans- what can I do in case this is something chronic?
One thing I would love to do is to be able to make a regular living from my blog, as I may not have an alternative means of income in the future.
I love writing and I would dearly love to make an income through doing something I love. I also have a newer blog that I started, where I am going through grammar and teaching points for English Language teaching, based on my CELTA qualification experience. I started this to help me to revise what I learned on my course and to keep improving my knowledge. It would be amazing if I could monetise both blogs.
I immensely enjoy writing posts for both of my blogs. Through my experience in the blogging community, I believe that one way of consistent monetisation is through advertisements. In order to apply for the ad service that has been recommended by fellow bloggers, my blog/s have to reach certain criteria, including page views.
I'm not sure if I can ever reach these statistics. I have tried Pinterest and SEO strategies in the past, as well as social media. This may (almost definitely) be an unrealistic goal but if I could attain this, I would have one less worry on my plate.
If you like my writing, please check out other posts on this blog, as well as my teaching blog, if you are interested. Please share any posts you liked and return regularly if you would like to. It all helps!
If you are a blogger and you have any advice, please feel free to DM me on Twitter or email me at lucyisreading@gmail.com!
Some of the books on my TBR!
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I recently did a big unhaul, sorting out books I want to read and ones that I am no longer interested in reading. I decided that I wanted to focus on mainly reading childrens and middlegrade fantasy books, as well as comics, graphic novels and manga. Due to health issues, I am listening to some of these books via audio. If you're also an audiobook listener, you may be interested in checking out my page about where you can get audiobooks, including free ones.Return to the Hundred Acre Wood is a modern sequel to the original Winnie the Pooh books. It is an authorised sequel, written and illustrated by new creators. I read this years ago and remember really enjoying it. I'm currently not loving it as much as when I originally read it but if you are fond of these characters, I would recommend checking it out.
The Edge Chronicles is a massive series. This book follows a boy who strays off the path and I assume he has some adventures!
Talking about things
Hi everyone. So as some of you know, I've been dealing with ongoing symptoms and I'm awaiting answers. This situation is hard- feeling unwell every day and not knowing why. But I know I will get through it and things will get better. I am so grateful for everyone's support.
Due to fatigue and migraines, I have been finding reading physically really difficult, even though I enjoy it. So I am going to try listening to audiobooks, including audiobooks of the books I currently have. I think I'll switch between physical books and audiobooks. For this, I am using a mix of audiobooks through my library, Scribd, Audible.co.uk, Audible.com and Libro fm. If you'd like to help me to get audiobooks, please check out my Ko-Fi page or you can get an audiobook through Libro fm and I will get a free audiobook. Additionally, you can get 60 days of Scribd for free with my referral link and I get 30 days free.
I also have a book spotlight promotion service, if you are an author and would like to promote your book on my blog. The post is also shared on Twitter.
If you like audiobooks, Audible are currently running deals on membership so they are a lot cheaper than usual. Use my affiliate link to get a free trial or renew your membership on Audible.co.uk or Audible.com.
I think it's important to talk about health issues and if I have any update I will let you know. For now I am trying my best to keep going and to stay as positive as I can.
Book Spotlight: Father Daniel’s Compendium of the Undead by Alan McGill featuring Book Trailer!
Father Daniel and his Right Hand of God Order are a secret society fighting hideous creatures of the night. For decades, they’ve gathered relics and created weapons at a place called the Forge, located in a silver mine deep below the abbey on Feldberg Mountain. The monks compiled this compendium at the abbey in hopes it may help you understand the story that is A Cry in the Moon’s Light.
This tome is Father Daniel’s attempt at dispelling myths, retelling legends, and digging deeper into the characters and places you love from the story. There are detailed descriptions, over seventy-five illustrations from various artists, and even spoilers where the past and future collide!
Author bio:
Alan McGill is an American author who lives in Northwestern Pennsylvania with a clowder of cats. Alan was close to his grandparents who grew up in the Great Depression. They were married young and remained together until his grandmother’s passing. His grandfather served in the Navy during WWII and was a gifted storyteller who weaved humorous tales about tough events. Alan grew up with these stories of right and wrong along with watching fictional heroes such as The Lone Ranger, Adam West’s Batman and Captain America. Heroes who stood up to bullies and protected those who could not protect themselves. This made an impression on the author to always do what was right in his own life and shaped his love for storytelling. He is a multi-genre author with his debut novel being A Cry in the Moon’s Light which is a horror romance and mystery series. As with all his books, one of the primary themes involves characters who strive to do the right thing regardless of the adversity they face. The second theme present in all his books is love. A pure and deep love that defeats all evil.Follow Alan on socials:
@AlanMcGill14 on Twitter and IG
Book Spotlight: A Cry in the Moon's Light by Alan McGill featuring Book Trailer!
From the beginning, a mysterious wolf
stalks her every move, and a deadly wolf pack, led by a black wolf, seems
determined to kill her. When she stops at a hidden village deep in the forest,
gruesome murders force her to flee to a nearby castle. A castle that holds its
own secrets. And what follows will unravel everything she knows.
It is a time of castles, muskets,
werewolves and other hideous creatures of the night. Nothing is as it seems and
it is only the beginning of this journey. Come, join us for all the horror,
mystery and romance this story has to offer. You will learn as she does that only
love can defeat evil.
Author bio:
Alan McGill is an American author who lives in Northwestern Pennsylvania with a clowder of cats. Alan was close to his grandparents who grew up in the Great Depression. They were married young and remained together until his grandmother’s passing. His grandfather served in the Navy during WWII and was a gifted storyteller who weaved humorous tales about tough events. Alan grew up with these stories of right and wrong along with watching fictional heroes such as The Lone Ranger, Adam West’s Batman and Captain America. Heroes who stood up to bullies and protected those who could not protect themselves. This made an impression on the author to always do what was right in his own life and shaped his love for storytelling. He is a multi-genre author with his debut novel being A Cry in the Moon’s Light which is a horror romance and mystery series. As with all his books, one of the primary themes involves characters who strive to do the right thing regardless of the adversity they face. The second theme present in all his books is love. A pure and deep love that defeats all evil.
Follow Alan on socials:
@AlanMcGill14 on Twitter and IG
Top Five Stressful Situations In Life
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If there is one thing that will intrude on your personal peace, it’s stress. Life is packed with stressors and you have to know all about them so that you can identify the things that stress you out the most. It’s something that seeps in and intrudes on your peace, and it’s not something you have to listen to if you don't want to. If you have ever owned your own house, you know what it means to feel stress - especially if you ever lose your job.Stress makes you feel weak even when you’re not. It makes you feel out of control when you really need to be in control. You need to be able to depend on yourself and you have to be able to spot when things are going to be stressful. Once you can identify these issues, you can feel safer and more secure. As you get older, you will experience things in your life that’ll make you feel more stressed than you expect, and below, we’ve got the top five stressors in life.
- Death. Of a friend, of a relative, of a partner - death causes all kinds of grief and stress, and while death is a part of life, it’s not one that you ever want to have to think about. Stress is involved in the death of the people around you and you can get some help from others if you want to ensure that you get through the grief in one piece. Instead of feeling constantly stressed, you’ll feel supported.
- Divorce. While you might be able to alleviate some of the stress of divorce with the help and support of mediation, you need to remember that splitting up from a partner is stressful. Having an ex-spouse is stressful, managing the children between two homes is stressful. Understanding how you can get through divorce in one piece is important and you can reduce your stress, too.
- Moving house. If you are moving from one place to another, you’re going to feel that stress. Disruption of your routine causes a lot of stress, and it’s a pain to deal with. You can outsource your move to packers and movers, though, which can help you to relieve your stress and you can avoid any of it as much as possible. You don't have to lift a finger if you don't want to!
- Illness. If you’re not covered correctly, the cost of illness can be as stressful as the illness itself. Any major illness is a stressor in life and it takes a physical and emotional toll on your body. It can also have a financial impact on your life, too.
- Job loss. You need a job to live, to pay the bills and to feel as if you are worth something. If you lose your job, you’re going to need to find another quickly so that you can meet all of your other commitments. Job loss causes stress, and you don't need that stress in your life.
Book Spotlight: Over the Broad Earth: A Novel from the Saga of Fallen Leaves By J.L. Feuerstack, Illustrated by Alana Tedmon