Title: The Magicians of YsavarAuthor: Z.B. Lee
Title: The Magicians of YsavarAD
Daniel grew up in a family with more than their share of secrets but he never thought he’d have to run until his father killed a man. Hiding seemed like the only choice, making a life in a town where no one knew him and the LaLaurie name was a word on a page. He never counted on meeting a girl there, or falling in love with her. Or that his secrets would one day come out.Something Lost
Barrett was famous in the neighbourhood for one main reason. He stole a cop’s gun, and he told those who he trusted, those that cared to listen, because Barrett was something of a loose cannon. So you have to keep in mind this story has been through the ringer at least one time. It was a hot, humid night, the kind when everyone breathes a collective sigh of relief when the sun goes down. But the body is funny. It seems to store heat so that on nights like that, you seem to sweat even more once the sun vanishes, especially if you’ve been walking around in a haze all day like Barrett had.
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Something that I am working hard on at the moment is promoting books by self-published and small press authors. Amazing books that tend not to be given as much credit as they deserve. This series is where I showcase 5 books by indie authors. Some of the books will be written by my Ko-Fi members who receive ongoing priority promotion from me. See my indie books page for more books. Check these books out!
May Day: If the murderer you’re tracking is a vampire, then you want a vampire detective. (Seekers)AD
The Storm Curtain is open.This post contains affiliate links
Hi everyone and welcome to my first monthly supporters showcase! This is where I share the books and blogs of my Ko-Fi members. Please check out their amazing work!
Jill Horton
Jill Horton loves creating magical worlds for children to learn in and explore. She and her husband have four kids who love the adventures found in good books. One dog, two cats, and four parakeets joined the family’s fun and literary travels. Now, Jill is inviting you to pick up one of her books and start your own family’s storytime traditions too!This post contains affiliate links
Hi everyone! I wanted to talk about the books that I see that sound interesting. These will be from a mix of genres and age ranges. So let's look at some books!
A pure pleasure of a novel set in Georgian London, where the discovery of a mysterious ancient Greek vase sets in motion conspiracies, revelations and romance.This is a collaborative post and it may contain affiliate links
So, you’ve launched a blog, posted a few times, and are now waiting to see what happens. You’ve heard of bloggers making huge successes out of their sites and are wondering what it takes to see the same level of success. (Some blogs even become so popular that they’re almost impossible to manage.)