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Hi everyone! Today I wanted to go through all of the books that I currently own. I am hoping to mainly read these books before getting any new books! There are some self-published books, please check out my indie books page for a ton of recommendations. Some of these I am planning to read via audio as I recently got back into audiobooks and I'm really enjoying them. If you'd like to check out audiobooks, you can get a free trial of Audible with my affiliate link. You can also get 2 audiobooks for $14.99 and support indie bookshops with my Libro fm referral link! You can also get audiobooks (and ebooks) with a 60 free days trial of Scribd! I'm not including any Kindle Unlimited books in this post but if you see my TBR and have any recommendations, please do let me know as I'd like to use Kindle Unlimited more! So let's take a look at the books: