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The Revenge by Stacy T Townend

This is a post written by the author

Title: The Revenge
Author: Stacy T Townend
Genre: Historical Fiction
Where to read: Amazon, ebook, paperback or Kindle Unlimited

Synopsis: The Revenge is my 2nd book in the trilogy The Mercian Tales. It continues on from Book 1 The Betrayal. Oswi now Ealdorman of Holt is once more thrown into action serving King Offa. The Ealdorman of East Sussex call for support against the invading King Wattus of the Haestingas Tribe. Oswi must use his skills as a warrior to take battle to the enemy. Oswi finds new friends and warriors go take north to battle the invading raiders. Lies, mistrust, death, honour loyalty & friend & foe alike all seeking revenge. Who will succeed & be triumphant.

Blood Lust by L. E. Scott

This is a post written by the author

Blood Lust
by L. E. Scott
Supernatural Romance
Read for free on KU or buy on Amazon: https://mybook.to/lxL9A

Blood Lust follows a vampire and human couple who live with their pet werewolf, Vincent. The human, Benigo, is dying which means that if Sangue (the vampire) doesn't want to wait for him to reincarnate and then grow up and start to remember him again (this has happened before), he needs to turn him into a vampire so they can be together. The trouble is, Benigo might not remember him or their love, but that's a risk Sangue is willing to take. However, the ritual doesn't work and Benigo heals instead of turning. Perplexed, Sangue goes searching for answers and learns that if someone isn't willing to die they won't turn. This gives Benigo an idea about using vampire blood to heal an epidemic that is currently plaguing the gay community, and Sangue goes along with it because he's the type that would do anything for the man he loves.

Graphic Novel Recommendations 1

I've been really enjoying reading graphic novels! They're so cute, fun and emotion-evoking. I'm loving reading them on Kindle where they are available. I wanted to share some that I've read and want everyone to check out!

The Sad Ghost Club


Volume 1 was on sale so I thought I'd check it out and oh wow was I surprised! The Sad Ghost Club follows characters who suffer with their mental health, they meet and talk about life and things. It feels like such an authentic portrayal of living with mental illness, it's so relatable and lovely. I immediately read and adored the next two books in the series and I can't wait for volume 4! These are absolute must-reads!

The Child of Fire and Earth Book Review


Title: The Child of Fire and Earth
Author: Barry Ryerson
Genre: children's fantasy
Available: paperback, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited, audiobook, signed and personalised copies


This book follows Hew, a young boy in the 15th century. He is the son of a farmer but he always dreamed of becoming a knight. One day he meets a dragon and he discovers all of the magical creatures that exist whilst on a grand adventure.

My Current Goals


  • My main general goal is to adopt a more positive mindset rather than an anxious one.
  • Genres I'm feeling more pulled towards right now: sweet fantasy/paranormal romance and manga
  • I recently made a list of all of the Kindle books I have (including mostly indie books) and I plan to hopefully steadily go through these.
  • Manga I'm reading/are on my radar: Spy x Family, One Piece, Fairy Tail, Hunter x Hunter, Naruto, Dragon Ball, The Girl From the Other Side, The Ancient Magus' Bride. If you have any other recommendations please comment!
  • I'm also on the search for cookbooks so if anyone has any recommendations please let me know! I have some already on my wishlist, mostly the Pinch of Nom books!
  • I don't play games as much as I used to but I do have a backlog of games that I would like to complete, my current focus is Cult of the Lamb.
  • I have been trying to learn French for years! I really want to prioritise Duolingo and aim to finish all of the lessons on there before moving on to another language. If you have any tips please comment!
So those are some of my current main goals. If you'd like to share, what are some of yours?

Recent reading updates 19/9

  • Caught up with Spy x Family
  • Started The Very Secret Society of Irregular Witches (getting bedknobs and broomsticks vibes and loving it)
  • Thinking of starting One Piece?
  • Have no decided audiobook
How about you?

My current reading plans

Hi! So the genres that I am interested in keeps changing! Last year (and some of this year) I read a lot of middlegrade (mainly fantasy) that I really enjoyed. I also read some graphic novels/comics and a lot of Spy x Family! This year I have been reading a wider variety of books. 

I was working on reducing my physical TBR which I have done! I was reading a lot via audio but for some reason I have lost interest in audiobooks for now and I am really into reading on Kindle! 

So on my Kindle I have some books in different genres. As I have been more in a mystery mood, I separated my Kindle books by genre. I have some fantasy romance and some middlegrade that I need to get to at some point.

I've been reading the Detective Kosuke Kindaichi books and I'm finding them to be great page turners. At the moment I really feel like reading more Japanese detective books, then some biology/nature books.

What are your current reading plans?

Update: I'm Back & Future Posts

Hello everyone! Long time, no post. I have decided that I want to start posting on here again but it will be different. I would like to share short updates and thoughts about things like my Fibromyalgia, what I'm reading, what I've been up to etc. I may add some other things. I am going to be working on renovating my blog a bit. If you'd like to subscribe via email click the Bloglovin' link in the sidebar to be updated when I post!

Books and Blogs to Check Out: Monthly supporters showcase #11

 This post contains affiliate links

Hi everyone and welcome to another monthly supporters showcase! This is where I share the books and blogs of my Ko-Fi members. Please check out their amazing work!

A. K. Faulkner

AK Faulkner is the author of the Inheritance series of contemporary fantasy novels, which begins with Jack of Thorns.

AK lives just outside of London, England, with a charismatic Corgi. Together they fight crime and try not to light too many fires on the way.

Visit AK's website at http://akfaulkner.com/

Twitter, Instagram and TikTok: @poopraven

Jack of Thorns

Laurence Riley might be able to see the future, but he can't see a way to fix his messed-up life. He can't control anything—not his supernatural talents, not his drug addiction, and not his violent ex-boyfriend. Laurence needs help and he knows it. A lifelong pagan, he turns to his god... and he gets Jack. Jack can help Laurence tame his powers and take control of his life. But it comes at a price: Laurence will need to keep him fed with regular offerings of sex. For the old Laurence, that would've been a pleasure. Problem is, Laurence has met Quentin.

Quentin is devastatingly handsome, way out of Laurence's league (like British nobility levels of out-of-his-league), and unbearably chaste. If that weren’t enough to keep Laurence away, Quentin's wild telekinesis is even more uncontrollable than Laurence's precognition. But Laurence doesn't want anyone else, and Jack is getting hungry.

Then Laurence foresees a glimpse of Jack's true plan. It will leave a trail of death across San Diego--and Laurence has been helping him do it. The past has taught him that the future can't be changed. But if Laurence and Quentin can't stop Jack, there won't be any future at all.

Jack of Thorns is the first book in a dark urban fantasy series where X-Men meets The Magicians.

FREE on Kindle

Responsibilities You Take On When You Hire For Your Small Business

This is a collaborative post and it may contain affiliate links

Most small businesses come to the point where they recognise that they need to start hiring to take on the work that the owner can’t handle themselves. However, aside from the many benefits that come with having a team under you, there are also responsibilities that you had better be ready to deal with, as well. Here, we’re going to look at some of those.


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