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Lucy Turns Pages

Can you still grow a blog in 2023?



With the rise of video sharing platforms and viewership, are blogs still relevant in 2023?

Blogs first became popular when blogging platforms like Tumblr and blogger were created. There was a surge in blogging in the late 2010s with seemingly many bloggers becoming popular on platforms like Twitter and working with companies.

Where I Get Books From

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Hi everyone! How are you doing? What have you been reading lately?

My reading has been a bit of a rollercoaster. I have somehow read a lot this year. I think this is mainly down to reading graphic novels and audiobooks. I've been reading a mix of physical books, ebooks and audiobooks. With life and chronic illness I am wondering whether to go back to mainly reading via audio. 

Here are some places where I read, including some really great resources.

Cosy Games I've Been Enjoying 1

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I've been getting really into playing cosy games lately. For me this encompasses relaxing games that I can pause and put down at any time, cute graphics and objectives to aim for on a smaller scale. Here are some cosy games I've been enjoying lately (I'll be posting more about cosy games in the future!).

Cult of the Lamb (PC, Xbox, Nintendo Switch, PS4, PS5)

This is the game that kicked off my recent burst in wanting to playing cosy games. This is a game with adorable character graphics and dark humour. You play as a lamb who creates a cult, you have to build and grow your community and area and explore and battle in quick dungeons. There are lots of goals to work towards like unlocking all of the upgrades for your area and defeating all of the bosses, as well as getting new animals to join you. Highly recommend! 
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