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Lucy Turns Pages

Mastering Your Own Mental Health

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As time goes one, it is becoming less and less of a stigmatized issue to talk about mental health.
That is just as well, as looking after your own mental health is always going to be hugely important, and it’s something that we all need to think about doing. It’s not just for those with apparent or obvious mental health signs who need to focus on this - everyone can benefit from ensuring that they are looking after their mental health in the right way. In this article, we are going to take a look at some of the ways in which you can understand and improve your own mental health. As long as you do that, you should find that you are much more able to be happy and well in the long run.

Keep An Eye On Your Vices

We all have one or two vices, and in a sense they are necessary to ensure that we don’t lose our sense of ourselves. More often than not, these vices are there to help us with difficult times and to keep stress down. But as a rule, they tend to be things which are not so healthy for us, and which we would therefore be well advised to keep a close eye on. If you have vices, you should make sure to do this, and not to allow yourself to fall prey to them too much, as that could easily lead to further problems. You might well like a drink, and as the answers to a wine quote quiz will testify, that can help in the short-term - but you should make sure not to get too carried away with that, or any other vice.

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Manage Your Stress

But if you are to do that, you might need to find a more productive means of keeping on top of your stress, and that is something that you should think about as well. There are fortunately many ways of managing your stress, and as long as you are aware of some of them you will find that you can easily make it easier for yourself to manage whatever stress may arise for you. Deep breathing and meditation exercises are generally advisable here, as are methods for keeping the stress down in the first place, such as not over-working. Do this, and it will have a profoundly positive effect on your life in the long run.

Look After Your Body

It is enormously helpful if you are able to look after your body as well as the mind, as actually the two are very much closely related, and likely to be affecting each other. If you are looking after the body, then you can be sure that you are also looking after the mind, so this is definitely something to consider. You might even be surprised at what a difference it can make in the long run. The more you look after your body, the better a state your mind will be in.

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Spookathon TBR!

readathon, readathon tbr, tbr, to be read, spookathon, spooky reads, Halloween,

Spookathon is a week long readathon hosted by Lala from BooksandLala. It begins today, October 15 and runs until 21st October. The aim is to read anything that is spooky. There are optional challenges and you can do as many as you like. I don't expect to read all of these books but I thought it would be fun to create a TBR anyway!

Why You Should Never Give Up Learning As An Adult

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You may have thought your learning days were behind you. The minute you walked through those school gates as a teenager, celebrating the possibility that you may never have to look another teacher in the face again, you probably thought you had learned all you need to. Well, from a textbook anyway. We all learn something new about ourselves every day; it's all part of growing up and learning from experiences, so we are never too far removed from learning something.

But it's still important to pursue learning, whether that's going back to school, browsing the internet to expand our knowledge beyond the info we gain from our friends on Facebook, or picking up a book or two from the local store or library. Despite the everyday learning we all go through as adults - there are reasons why you should make the effort to tantalise your brain.

By continuing learning, you will…

Guest Post!

Today we have a guest post from Melissa! Trigger warnings for death and suicide. --

I am an avid reader. I don’t remember a time in my life where I didn’t have a book in my hand. Growing up, the library was my favorite place to be, and then when I managed to save some money, I traded the library for bookstores. To this day, I can’t walk past a bookstore without going in, looking at all the books I want to read, and wondering where my books (once I finish writing them!) would end up.

But throughout all the books that I’ve read, there are some that just stuck out and changed my life. Here are four of them:

Summer Biannual Bibliothon TBR

biannual bibliothon, readathon, list of readathons, books to read during a readathon, short books,

Hello! Today I am here with a readathon TBR! I am participating in a few readathons this month and the first one is the Summer Biannual Bibliothon which runs from 14th July to 20thJuly. This readathon comprises of optional reading challenges, video challenges and Instagram challenges. Here is my TBR for the reading challenges:

1.       Group book:

So the first challenge is to read the group book which is The Wicked Deep by Shea Ernshaw. This is a book that I was planning on reading at some point. In this book, three witches are said to come back every year and lure boys to die by drowning.

2.       Choose from someone else’s TBR:

The second challenge is to read a book from someone else’s TBR. I researched the TBRs of booktubers, book bloggers and bookstagrammers and decided to read Every Heart a Doorway by Seanan McGuire which is on Little Red Reader’s TBR. This is a short book that I have wanted to read for a while. This book series follows children who have come back from other worlds such as Narnia.

Lucy's Reading Diary: July 10th

reading vlog, books to read, book recommendations,

Hi everyone! I absolutely love watching reading vlogs and I wondered if I could translate this to writing somehow. I came up with the idea of an ongoing blog diary, writing about my thoughts whilst reading and my progress. I hope that you like these posts!
I started reading Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton and I was really enjoying it. You can definitely tell that the author has a scientific background but I actually like the technical speak. It isn’t too overwhelming and as someone who enjoyed studying biology, it is a welcome return and it is about dinosaurs which I find interesting too! I won’t write too much about the book because I will be describing it in my review. I have been making slow progress. I find that when I start a book, I am really excited about it but if I don’t get too much time to read my excitement wanes and it takes me longer to read.

Yesterday I felt like reading but I didn’t want to read Jurassic Park. I thought of a few books that I would like to read and posted a poll on Twitter. I ended up picking up Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. I’m not very far into it but so far I really like it. It is a fast-paced mystery (although at the moment I feel like I have figured out the mystery but we’ll see). This book also has a scientific element but how heavy that is, I cannot yet say.

What are you currently reading?

The Fifty Bookish Questions Tag

I am really enjoying doing book tags so whilst I am making slow progress in my current read I thought I would do another one! Here is the fifty bookish questions tag:

1. What was the last book you read?
I’m currently reading Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton. The last book I finished was Fairy Tail volume 1.

2. Was it a good one?

3. What made it good?
Comedy, fantasy, magic.

Reviewing my 2018 So Far

reading goals, goal ideas, goal planning, personal development blog post,
Hi everyone! I saw some people discussing their goals so far this year and going forward and I thought I would do a little review post of my year so far and what I hope to accomplish in the future.

So in 2018, I started my blog! January 17th to be precise so my blog is nearly six months old! I have done some temp work and I have been applying for jobs. My end goal is that I would love to be able to blog full-time. I love blogging so much and I really want to be able to do it as my career. In the meantime, I am going to be working part-time whilst I continue to blog so wish me luck!

I want to post more book reviews and after a reading slump, I am slowly getting back into reading. I am currently reading Jurassic Park and I am loving it so far.

The Opposites Book Tag

book tag, book questions, book recommendations, books to get, short books, long books, book blog, book blogger,

Today I am going to be doing another book tag! This one is called the opposites book tag:

First Book In Your Collection/ Last Book You Bought

I’m not sure what the first book in my collection is but I know that one of them is the first Harry Potter book.
The last book I bought was The Surface Breaks by Louise O’ Neill which is on my July TBR

A Cheap Book/ An Expensive Book

One of the cheapest books that I own is Outlander by Diana Gabaldon, that I found in a charity shop.
An expensive book that I own is any of the Harry Potter Illustrated Editions.

A Book with a Male Protagonist/ One with a Female Protagonist

Beautiful Creatures follows a male protagonist and at the time, that was something fairly new to me in the YA genre.
Let’s go with one of my recent favourites for a book with a female protagonist: Poison Study by Maria V. Snyder, you can read my reviews of the original trilogy here.
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